May 14, 2007 11:13
The top 3
"1. Hillary Rodham Clinton, 59, senator/presidential candidate. New York's first female senator. If elected, she would be the first female president. First in fund-raising thus far. And if we know anything about this woman's persistence and her roster of powerful friends, she could soon be the most powerful woman in the world.
2. Diane Sawyer, 61, co-anchor, "Good Morning America." Of all the morning views in town, she's the greatest. Significantly slashing the gap with the "Today" show for female viewership, her reporting from such places as Iran, Syria and North Korea injects a steady dose of intelligence, while her "gets" - Dina Matos McGreevey, Angelina Jolie - outpace the competition.
3. Christine Quinn, 40, speaker, New York City Council. She has refused campaign contributions from big-time lobbyists but hired a hot-shot fund-raiser who once worked for Gov. Spitzer. She is one of the most powerful openly gay officials in the country. But can she be the first female mayor of New York City?"
I've met 2 of the top 3. Now if only I could meet number 1 on the list. My life would be complete.