Do you know your friends?

May 23, 2006 22:05

Every day that goes by changes oneself without notification. Walking through the halls of school changes everyone. From the bad language to the smoking in the bathrooms, no matter who you are, the environment of school will affect you. Knowing this, people still making things a lot worse by spreading rumors and talking about people behind their backs. Gossip is bad, but for some reason people still continue to spread it.
"Anything you say will spread like wildfire."
High school only lasts 4 years. If you are busy stabbing each other in the back you will be miserable all of you high school experience. You won't be able to enjoy yourself if no one trusts you and everyone is mad at you. Spreading rumors is human nature. Remember that saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me"? Well that is far from the truth. Words can kill. If you talk about someone enough their self-esteem will get trampled deeper and deeper into a dark hole. Some can ignore the comments and go on with their lives, but some can't and eventually result to violence or even suicide. Words are a very powerful weapon and shouldn't be taken lightly. The next time you decide to spread a rumor, Don't. Think about whom it might hurt, and ask yourself, "If this was about me, would this be something I would want to be spread for the world to hear?" If you're not carefl the next rumor could be about you.

^That is from our school's newspaper today. In a way, it kind of sums up this year. So much drama has been started because of either one wrong said thing or something that never should have been said at all.

I started this school year in heartbreak. The guy I liked, found me to be too good of a friend. Turns out, he was just battling with his own sexuality. Over the next few months, I marched my heart out, but found it only to come as second best. I found a new friend, I strengthened some existing friendships. I had a blast in Charleston, not once, but twice this year. I tried my hardest at Region band try outs and found that anything I try hard enough for can be accomplished. I got callbacks and found my wildest dreams come true. I had made All-State on my first year ever on bassoon. I found what it was to be appreciated for hard work and to be appreciated for being a musician. I thought I had found love again, but of course love always eludes me. I still love him, even if it can only be as friends. He will be dearly missed as he graduates friday. I probably will miss him most of all the seniors I knew. He taught me what love was in the first place, even if it proved false. He's always been there when I needed to talk to him, and tomorrow I get to pour my heart out to him on a piece of paper he can always look back on.
At the band banquet, I found myself again being rewarded for my musicianship. I almost cried when I got my award, because I've never really been praised for doing anything. My exams are fine I guess.

This year has definitely tugged at my frame, and I feel myself ready to crack.

So yeah.

and now i have to find a formal dress for my friend's birthday party.
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