Start towards Success

Nov 02, 2005 21:41

I have become so sick of not having anything to do. I feel like a waste of life, and I have been trying to find some way to keep a resemblance of normalcy and business. So today I have started a new plan for myself. Whatever thoughts and ideas my previous post contained, bottom line is that what works for me is optimism and happiness mixed with actually constantly doing work. That way I will be able to keep my happiness in tact, and if I am constantly doing something productive, and that word applies toward production of any of my goals, I will be constantly getting better and more accomplished.

So today I set out some daily disciplines to work on. Every day I am to do the things listed and I set up a system to keep track as well as it serves as a good reminder for myself to do all of the things listed. The list contains things, such as reading at least 15 pages, writing something for at least 15 minutes, practicing my guitar for at least 15 minutes, exercising with both weights and cardio, and listening a new album. For now, thats a good start, and for now, I should exceed my minimum expectations because I have nothing else to do. So I think that will be a good way to spend some of my day constructively, and when I start to work again, I can still keep up with these activities and continue to enrich my life.

So, seeing as how I plan to write something every day, I am planning on daily updates of some nature. The writing does not have to be about anything, but the act of writing will illicit more ideas and will enhance my abilities as a writer.

And another thing I plan to do is read, so I went out and found a great book to read. I cruised through the psychology section in the store and found a book right up my alley, The Varieties of the Psychadelic Experience. It's a book written by psychologists in the 60's on the effects of LSD and other psychadelic drugs on the human psyche. I just started it, but I can't wait to delve into it.

Also, on halloween, I went out to a party and then to Mill Ave and had a blast. It was insane. So many great looking girls dressed like fabulous whores. I kissed Marylin Monroe and had my picture taken with two incredible looking girls.
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