Jan 26, 2004 22:05
Soliditylacks: im shaking in my boats
Soliditylacks: boots*
S1N3d dWI7: ok cool
Soliditylacks: you and ur stupid sister dont scare me..
Soliditylacks: stop casuing drama and grow up
S1N3d dWI7: we'll fucking see then wont we
S1N3d dWI7: ur the one still talking shit
Soliditylacks: about?
S1N3d dWI7: desiree
Soliditylacks: right...
Soliditylacks: i havent said shit..
S1N3d dWI7: or ur not?
Soliditylacks: the stuff your hearing must have been said awhile ago
S1N3d dWI7: oh well i gueess u forgot what u said in yearbook right///
Soliditylacks: yearbook was a while ago the last time i was there sweety
Soliditylacks: joey move on.. and if ur gf wants to fight let her...
Soliditylacks: ur bringing peopl einto it that dont need to be invivled
Soliditylacks: invovled*
S1N3d dWI7: well guess what they already are involved
S1N3d dWI7: no chaninging that shit "sweety"
Soliditylacks: and the point of bringing them in is?
S1N3d dWI7: to fucking set ur shit starigh and the thing is u think its all a fucking game but guess what.... its not so keep trying people cos angie u r gunna get what u deserve
Soliditylacks: what do i deserve?
Soliditylacks: and that is?
S1N3d dWI7: ur a coked out shit talking slut
Soliditylacks: i deserve to die?
Soliditylacks: how am i coked out?
S1N3d dWI7: and its all coming back to u no
S1N3d dWI7: w
S1N3d dWI7: u did cole
S1N3d dWI7: coke
Soliditylacks: naw
S1N3d dWI7: thats a good idea
Soliditylacks: or herion
Soliditylacks: or whatever you think i did
S1N3d dWI7: oh did u not OD
S1N3d dWI7: on acid
Soliditylacks: nope
S1N3d dWI7: oh u didnt
Soliditylacks: its not possible to OD on acid
S1N3d dWI7: oh well there was deffinitly rat poision
S1N3d dWI7: in it right
Soliditylacks: nope
Soliditylacks: so pelase tell me how i am a whore..
Soliditylacks: wait hold on
S1N3d dWI7: oh ok so the day after when sabrina came up to me talking about ur and chads little night of fu n that was all a lie
Soliditylacks: lemme im you on my other sn
toofar xtoofall: what exactly was said
S1N3d dWI7: that u were having a grand old toime and then u took a hit of acid and started blacking out and fucking whatever and ur were in the hospatil for a night cos "u ODed"
toofar xtoofall: i tripped on acid once.. had a bad trip..
toofar xtoofall: thats it
toofar xtoofall: it is impossiable to OD on aicd
toofar xtoofall: acid*
S1N3d dWI7: oh well angie could u explain what "a bad trip is?
S1N3d dWI7: lol
toofar xtoofall: you dont want to know
toofar xtoofall: it is the worst possible thing in the world
toofar xtoofall: and u never get out of it
toofar xtoofall: u are there for what seems like years
S1N3d dWI7: ok well u didnt od but u still were so fucking rtardted to do fucking acid
toofar xtoofall: and i havent touched a drug since
S1N3d dWI7: wow good fucking job
toofar xtoofall: and how am i a slut?
S1N3d dWI7: lmao how.......
toofar xtoofall: or whore or whatever i am to you?
S1N3d dWI7: is there a diffrence i didnt know that
toofar xtoofall: im asking you ;-)
S1N3d dWI7: u told people u like sucking dick
toofar xtoofall: actually... i didnt
toofar xtoofall: cuz i hate it
toofar xtoofall: so why would i :0
toofar xtoofall: and i kno desiree told that to stephanie.. but w/e
S1N3d dWI7: and some one alsoe told me with in the 7 months u lost ur virginty u fucked 5 guys
S1N3d dWI7: hmmmmm
S1N3d dWI7: tht makes sense
toofar xtoofall: the ONLY reason why i was mad at desiree is because she tried to fuck up a friendship i had with someone she didnt like..
toofar xtoofall: and from all the shit i heard about her.. i didnt care.. i was gonna be her friend until she did something that totally fucked it up.. and by telling stephanie some shit it pissed me off
toofar xtoofall: i lost my virginity a year ago
toofar xtoofall: 3 guys ;-)
S1N3d dWI7: oh cool man
toofar xtoofall: and when desiree told me stephanie was bad.. i did the same thing to stephanie that i did with her i waited for stef to fuck up the friendship and she still has yet to
S1N3d dWI7: i dont give a fuck about that stupid little gurlshe fucking retarded.... ok but besides all that it was right for u to egg desirees house.... yeah ...um now
toofar xtoofall: no it wasnt..
toofar xtoofall: and i told her that
toofar xtoofall: but then..
toofar xtoofall: who was at stefs house threatenin her parents?
S1N3d dWI7: she didnt fucking threatin her parnets
toofar xtoofall: who was it?
S1N3d dWI7: she went there but she didnt threaten them n e one can say shit like that how fucking gullable do u have to be
toofar xtoofall: why did she even go there?
S1N3d dWI7: to find stephanie
toofar xtoofall: to beat her ass?
S1N3d dWI7: `i dunno mabey
toofar xtoofall: yes lets resort to fighting because we arent any better than that
S1N3d dWI7: ok well lets resort to egging a fucking house makes sense
toofar xtoofall: and i said it was stupid and i apologized.. so why is there still drama?
toofar xtoofall: why are you invovled?
S1N3d dWI7: why are u involved cos ur friends with mustard slut and im involed cos im going out with desiree
toofar xtoofall: dont call her that
toofar xtoofall: she cant fight her ''own battle''?
S1N3d dWI7: can stephanie?
S1N3d dWI7: ??
toofar xtoofall: im apart of this battle..
S1N3d dWI7: no so people got involved and now its getting blown to porportion
S1N3d dWI7: well so am i
toofar xtoofall: you mean OUT
toofar xtoofall: of proportion?
S1N3d dWI7: oh shit sorry i made a misteak i forgot ur a fucking english major
toofar xtoofall: an english major?
toofar xtoofall: far from it
S1N3d dWI7: ok
toofar xtoofall: but no matter how stupid you may think i am i do have a very large vocabulary ;-)
S1N3d dWI7: oh cool
S1N3d dWI7: i asked?
toofar xtoofall: you probably have said...
toofar xtoofall: and justin has asked me not to totally bitch you out..
S1N3d dWI7: what the fuck r u talking about
toofar xtoofall: he wants me to try and be nice... but i told him... hey joey doesnt want to be my friend i dont want to be joeys friend..
S1N3d dWI7: holy shit where the fuck did this come fro
S1N3d dWI7: wow
toofar xtoofall: lol
S1N3d dWI7: ok im gunna leave it like this u leave mine and desirees name out of ur mout and ill leave ur name out my mouth and thats it no more drama
S1N3d dWI7: ok......?
toofar xtoofall: hmmm...
toofar xtoofall: i could work with that
S1N3d dWI7: well its either fucking yes or no im not here to be ur little buddy
toofar xtoofall: well arent u just so dilberant
S1N3d dWI7: yes or fucking no
toofar xtoofall: yes ;-)
S1N3d dWI7: bye
toofar xtoofall: oh and may i ask who u got to leave all those nice comments in my journal?
S1N3d dWI7: i got?
toofar xtoofall: which by the way got me in a shit load of trouble
S1N3d dWI7: that was them on there own
toofar xtoofall: oh was it?
S1N3d dWI7: yeah
toofar xtoofall: my mom read my journal last night
S1N3d dWI7: ok well that wasnt me and i didnt force them to do shit
toofar xtoofall: she invited herself in.. and now im off to therapy
toofar xtoofall: she thinks im still on drugs qnd she doesnt believe me
S1N3d dWI7: ok well im sorry
toofar xtoofall: oh well bye
S1N3d dWI7: peace