(no subject)

Sep 13, 2004 06:50

this weekend is over. its monday morning.
i really dont like monday mornings.
no. i dont like tuesday mornings. those are the worst.
come wednesday...i wont give a fuck.
all i did this weekend was paint.
paint. paint. paint.
and then cleaned.
cleaned. and painted.
i saw kris for 2.2 seconds when he, mike, syd, and jake all drove over
after picking up syds on their way to bens.
and now im sad i didnt go to bens.
cause i didnt get to hang out with all the lovely kids.
and kelsea=(
but lindsay assisted me in cleaning. because shes cool like that.
"i get to vacuum soon"
::gasp:: "i am so jealous!"
yeah...lindsay was jealous. but then she got to vacuum too.
and make a curtain with me.
well i had pictures. but photobucket is being gay.
so ill add those later.
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