I love Josh and Green Tea

Sep 20, 2005 21:10

noonespeacial0: Josh.
noonespeacial0: I would like to apply for a position in the AZGT Crew.
Cyberjj490: ok
Cyberjj490: but ill have you know, that i am resigning
noonespeacial0: For what reason?
Cyberjj490: on the grounds that i have discovered that arizona green tea is caffeinated, and i am giving up the consumption of it
noonespeacial0: Well, if I give you good reason would you reconsider your resignation?
Cyberjj490: sure
noonespeacial0: The Caffine in Arizona Green Tea is not bad, because the richness of the tea cancels out the cafination. When the chemical enzymes in AZGT come in contact with the caffine the caffine becomes does as much affect on you as swallowing a water soluable vitamin.
Cyberjj490: hmmmm
Cyberjj490: good point
noonespeacial0: And when you swallow water soluable vitamins they go right through you.
Cyberjj490: im going to go to the judges on the validity of this statement however
Cyberjj490: hmmm, the judges say its valid
Cyberjj490: ill accept it
noonespeacial0: So will you reconcider your resignation or would you still like to leave your post. I will understand either of your decisions.
Cyberjj490: yes, i will reconsider
noonespeacial0: Yes!
noonespeacial0: Do I need to fill out an application?
Cyberjj490: hmmm
Cyberjj490: maybe
Cyberjj490: how about just an oral interview?
noonespeacial0: Okay.
noonespeacial0: Should I schedule one?
Cyberjj490: hmmm, hows tomorrow at saay, 11 A.M.
noonespeacial0: That's good.
noonespeacial0: Let me thank you for this opprotunity.
Cyberjj490: your very welcome
Cyberjj490: its my pleasure
noonespeacial0: I can't begin to explain how greatfull I am.
Cyberjj490: no no nathan, you have no need to be so grateful, its just the very modest AZGT
Cyberjj490: we have no reputation
noonespeacial0: Oh but in the SAGTDA the AZGT is venerated.
Cyberjj490: wow, my knowledge of acronyms is limited, could you please expand the SAGTDA acronym so i may know what you are talking about?
noonespeacial0: the Secret Arizona Green Tea Drinking Association.
noonespeacial0: You didn't know this acronym because We are very secrative.
Cyberjj490: ahh
Cyberjj490: your correct
noonespeacial0: Yes we are so secrative, that you didn't know that you are a member of our association.
Cyberjj490: I am?!
Cyberjj490: since when?
Cyberjj490: do you have a pair of skechers?
noonespeacial0: well article 5 paragraph 3 of the SAGTDA it says, "any persons who set up any association will automatically be inducted into the SAGTDA, and shall only be notified upon inquiry of the SAGTDA."
Cyberjj490: ah, i see
noonespeacial0: That is the SAGTDA constitution.
Cyberjj490: well that clearly goes against section 4 article 22 of the declaration of the GTLSAG
Cyberjj490: green tea lovers stipulations and guidelines
noonespeacial0: Well there must be a clash in documents somewhere.
Cyberjj490: it states that before any persons can be inducted into an organization, they must face a person of that organization and either sign a written agreement or verbally agree with 3 witnesses present
noonespeacial0: Josh Josh Josh, you underestimate my cunning.
Cyberjj490: aye, i must
noonespeacial0: When you set up the AZGT Crew you were not inducted but when Melissa became a member and you aggreed that you all three were in a group supporting green tea you were automatically inducted.
noonespeacial0: Because...
Cyberjj490: ahhh, are you referring to the 6th section, article 27 because if you are then i understand now
noonespeacial0: when you aggree to join any group, than you agree to join the SAGTDA.
noonespeacial0: then*\
Cyberjj490: ah, so this organization is so secret, that the members do not even know that they are members?
noonespeacial0: Some do.
Cyberjj490: like us
noonespeacial0: If they inquire about it.
Cyberjj490: but then it is no longer secret
noonespeacial0: yes but if a person who is not a member inquires about it we do not admit to the existance of our association.
Cyberjj490: ahh, i see
noonespeacial0: If they are a member we admit to it and give info.
noonespeacial0: If one of our members is to let a non member know then he shall be silenced accordingly.
Cyberjj490: i understand
noonespeacial0: But so you know, the AZGT Crew is by far the most looked upon group in the SGTDA
Cyberjj490: really?
noonespeacial0: yes
Cyberjj490: what are some other competing crews?
noonespeacial0: AGTDGC
noonespeacial0: AZGTG
Cyberjj490: im not familiar with that crew
Cyberjj490: or that one
noonespeacial0: Arisona Green Tea Drinking Group and Company
Arisona Green Tea Group
Cyberjj490: ahh
Cyberjj490: i see
Cyberjj490: the only ones that i am familar with are the GTDH and the PTEGTAL
Cyberjj490: green tea drinking homies
Cyberjj490: and people that enjoy green tea a lot
noonespeacial0: Yes yes the most popular Crews.
noonespeacial0: But let's not forget UFCAGT
noonespeacial0: Excuse me I ment the FUCAGT
noonespeacial0: The First Universal Crew of Arizona Green Tea.
Cyberjj490: ahhh
Cyberjj490: yes yes
Cyberjj490: i almost forgot
noonespeacial0: established 7 years before the Universe was written.
noonespeacial0: Only Arizona and Green Tea existed.
Cyberjj490: ahhh yes, im aware
noonespeacial0: Those were good times
noonespeacial0: Well I'm looking foward to tomorrows interview
noonespeacial0: And I regret to inform you that I must leave now.
noonespeacial0: I will see you tomorrow.
noonespeacial0: Fairwell good friend.
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