Chickygrl1234's Untitled Created by
Chickygrl1234 and taken 6 times on
bzoink!Personal InfoNameJushAge18eye colorbrownhair color(s)brownLove lifeWho do u love?everyone whose close to meDo u think love sucks?noDumped someone?yeabeen dumped?yealongest relationship13 monthsshortest relationship13 months...lolever loved someone so much, u would die for them?yuphavent cared about a person u dated?nopewent steady with the same sex?nopeever liked the same sex?nopeare u dating anyone now?yes i amif so, for how long?since October 9th..3 daysif ur single, how long have u been single? u love anyone in ur family, like a significant other?umm...yea?Favoritefoodnachos neuvos....going there tomorrow..w00teye colordoesnt matterhair..ummm, head hair? lolskin?favorite skin?...uhhhh soft skin? lolnameEverettgrade12thteacherMr Kress OR Mr Flynn OR Mr Taglieri OR Boudersportskating...or footballt.v. showMonday Night Footballfamily momthing to doeat and sleepsonglike way to many songsbandTaking Back Sundaysingerdont knowwordrandomphrase"Creed sucks!..I hate you!, and I hate the bands you like!"Pick onepeace/warpeacegirl/guygirlblack/blondeumm...brown? loldogs/catsdogsmeat/saladbothhalloween/christmaschristmasbrother/sisterif only amanda was a boy...i could pick on him moremom/dadmombike/scooterskateboard......scooter? pssshrollerblades/skateboardahh there we go..skateboard...againplane/trainnever been on eitherlaptop/lapdanceumm...both? lolcancun/washingtoncancunsummer/wintersummerfor guys:boobs/buttummm....bothfor girls:abs/armsrandom questionsr u a virginnopedo u play video gamesnot to much anymoredo u know all the bad words?haha...yeshave u been groundednopedo u have kidsnoper u pregnant..ummm nodo u prefer tape, or glue?tapedo u like word associationsnope....buuuut looks like im ognna have to take them anywayword associationsblueberryboy...boygirl...girlwaterwetcomputerbrightbedmy bed is so f'in comfybarbellsbigfatfunw00tgross...not w00t?ghostscarybananaphonetallseanshortkyla..=Plong...i dont even knowsmall...ricesmall/yellowsmall and yellow are completely differentlast namesRenee _________zelwigger (sp?)Orlando __________bloomKatie ____________holmesJustin ____________timberlakeBrittany ____________spears....and they spelt britney wrong.Collin _____________ferrelHue ________________grantPamela i just owned this last name section
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