Dec 21, 2004 19:30
Woo! New Layout! tunnel to laurens is still underway so dont worry lauren hehe um hmm id love to add more but i dont have anythgin really to add my day was lamo and no one really reads this but typeing in a sense that someone might read it is amusing and i like speakign randomly too myself because in that way i cant be wronge or right and thats such a fun concept where i cant even make myself content or uncontent blah blah blah the loser speaks again and the crowd doses off untill their hands slam the desktops under thier lying arms with their hands embrasing each other and their palms sweat while i waste my time speaking and thier thoughts wonder off when i express my insights and this is going on and makign absolutly no sense at all and i see im makign an ass out of myself once again but tis ok because its fun and if you dont like it i will bite you ={[] if youv read this far i feal for you but i figure its my job to tell you a few bands you shoudl listen to if you dotn already cause they kick ass No Hollywood Ending, Stillhaven, Sky Set Unfold, Apathy Season, Between Home and Serenity, Earth Crisis, much more obvious ones or ones i ahevnt heard of recently but never the less those where a few kickass bands so if you hear them or soemthgin listen to them
"fo real son "