"I got Kitty Pryde, and nightcrawler too, waiting here for me, yes I do. Yes I do"

Jul 10, 2006 22:26

YAY NEW COMICS!! I been looking for these for ages and finally found them.

In other news, work was crazy today, we are rearranging most of our departments, switching managers, making new managers, making new departments, hiring people, and firing people, so everything is crazy hectic. All I know is my job stays the same and I get to keep it, so all is good.

And now this, stolen from aeamek, who stole it from ldygabilan

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What would sydusa think of sadisticsoldier? i don't think she would like him at all.
2) What mental disorder does wretchedbabydol remind you of? which one DOESN'T she remind me of? j/k. hm, I guess..... bipolar
3) What languages does imetbillycorgan speak? german I think
4) Do you have a crush on sydusa? nope
5) What would you do if noelanistar died? cry a lot
6) What exotic animal would garfunkill like as a pet? a monkey
7) Have you flirted with hack_me_bitch? many many times
8) Is canyoumakeitgo related to sydusa? no
9) Do sydusa and kamikaziland go to the same school? um.... i dunno. i dunno if they even go to school at all
10) If mrfurious had a superpower, what would it be? hmmm... the ability to post on LJ with naught more than a mere thought
11) Does swinterh have a big secret? not that I know of. if i did it wouldn't exactly be a secret, eh?
12) Which of your friends should garfunkill go out with? _graveflower_13) Where did you first meet swinterh? through my friend Liz, at someones party I think
14) Is p0sta1 a nerd? yeah, a little
15) What color should p0sta1 dye their hair? black
16) Is mrfurious a college student? i think so
17) Where would garfunkill most like to visit? the depths of hell
18) Is garfunkill related to you? no
19) What would sadisticsoldier do differently in your shoes? if he was me he would listen to better music ad watch better movies
20) What animal should imetbillycorgan be combined with? a monkey
21) Does ldygabilan go to your school? i don't go to school, so no
22) If swinterh and garfunkill were spliced together, what would be its name? winterkill
23) What do you agree with _graveflower_ about? almost everything, except music
24) What is caducusa's favorite food? i honestly have no idea
25) What comic book character would im_a_hot_dancer be? BATMAN
26) Is swinterh friends with ldygabilan? no
27) If noelanistar took over the world, who would suffer? anyone whos an asshole
28) Which president would _graveflower_ be likely to idolize? none
29) Would you ever date kimmandercool? definitely
30) If garfunkill took over the world, who would be happy? all the crazy metal heads
31) How tall is im_a_pirate_arr? 5' 2" ish?
32) Has kimmandercool been to your house/dorm? not yet
33) What would im_a_hot_dancer give im_a_pirate_arr for his/her birthday? i tend to not give people gifts
34) Would you wrestle swinterh in jello? no
35) What video game does im_a_hot_dancer remind you of? zelda. obviously.
36) If canyoumakeitgo and garfunkill were spliced together, what would it be like? canyoumakeitkill
37) Did swinterh break up with you? we never dated
38) Where was p0sta1 born? somewhere in FL i think
39) Is sassy_mollassey single? no, she's engaged
40) What word best describes aeamek? geek
41) Are sadisticsoldier and stars_n_scars going out? noooooooo
42) Are mrfurious and hack_me_bitch going steady? nooooooooo
43) Is _graveflower_ an emo? not in the least
44) What is imetbillycorgan's shoe size? 5?
45) What flavor of jello would im_a_hot_dancer be? i dont like jello
46) Does canyoumakeitgo know wretchedbabydol? i think so. nicki says she doesn't remember her, but i think they've worked together at some point
47) What is sassy_mollassey's favorite game? mario party
48) One thing you can't stand about natesmama? nothing, shes cool
49) What rank would caducusa have in a giant robot army? general
50) How would sadisticsoldier conquer the world? i dont think he can
51) What is stars_n_scars's favorite color? pink
52) What is ldygabilan's favorite band/artist? tori?
53) Is toolgrrl98 in a relationship? no
54) If ldygabilan commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? her friends
55) What is caducusa's favorite movie? back to the future i assume
56) Does aeamek smoke? i dont think so
57) Do you have natesmama's screenname? yeah
58) Is hack_me_bitch a high school student? no
59) Do you think _graveflower_ is hot? shes cute.... for a blonde
60) How many monkeys could imetbillycorgan fight at once and win against? 0
61) Thoughts on canyoumakeitgo? shes fun, but i havent seen/talked to her in ages
62) What animal does kamikaziland remind you of? cat
63) What is sadisticsoldier's biggest flaw? he's very "new"
64) aeamek's hair color? dirty blonde
65) How would kamikaziland kill noelanistar? she wouldn't unless she too wanted to die
66) Does ldygabilan travel a lot? no
67) What planet should natesmama be from? earth
68) Is sydusa popular? yeah
69) How long have you known swinterh? like 8 years?
70) One quality you find attractive in kamikaziland? shes funny
71) kamikaziland's eye color? brown
72) What is sydusa allergic to? no idea
73) Does im_a_hot_dancer do drugs? hells no
74) Is kimmandercool dead sexy? yes, very much so
75) Does sadisticsoldier have a crush on ldygabilan? no
76) If sydusa were hanging off a cliff, what would im_a_pirate_arr do? nothing probably
77) Is im_a_pirate_arr your best friend? no
78) Would you make out with toolgrrl98? already have
79) Is p0sta1 introverted or extroverted? both
80) Have you ever dated sassy_mollassey? yes, for almost a year
81) Are caducusa and noelanistar married? no
82) What would you do if you found out canyoumakeitgo has a crush on you? i'd be shocked cuz we broke up like 3 years ago
83) Would aeamek go out with natesmama? no
84) Would sadisticsoldier and hack_me_bitch look good together? hahahaha, yes VERY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
85) How long would mrfurious dating wretchedbabydol last? 3 years i think it was
86) What do you disagree with kimmandercool about? not much it seems
87) Where was im_a_pirate_arr born? no idea
88) Has swinterh dyed their hair? yeah
89) If sydusa and hack_me_bitch were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the face
90) Does stars_n_scars drink? yeah
91) Is im_a_hot_dancer athletic? hahaha, no
92) Is aeamek 1337? very
93) When did you last call sassy_mollassey? january i think
94) Does natesmama have a dog? i think so
95) Would garfunkill and natesmama make a good couple? um, NO. they are brother and sister
96) Would you set up sadisticsoldier and _graveflower_? no
97) Could you see sadisticsoldier and canyoumakeitgo together? definitely not
98) Would kimmandercool be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
99) If aeamek was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? douchemate
100) What song/movie would you recommend to sydusa? mae's cover of day in the life. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

work sucks (fiserv), pics, survey

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