a few quick things...

Jun 22, 2006 23:53

1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY caducusa!!!

2. I finally got my free $100 Best Buy gift card for signing up for a citibank credit card. I think I am going to put it towards an XBOX 360

3. I also finally got my ADC to VGA converter for my computer, so now I have my TV hooked up as a second monitor and OMG is it sweetness.

4. We had some training on a new program at work the other day. They said they'd get us lunch while we were training. They were going to get us pizza until we all complained that all they ever get us is pizza, so one of my bosses said she's make some good home cooking. I wish we had stuck with the pizza. Ew.

(she said it was country fried steak or something, but I don't think it's supposed to look like that. And yes, those ARE giant pools of grease you see.)

5. Some friends from work and I are going to go see Superman Returns Tuesday night, sometime between 10 and midnight, if anyone would care to go, here is your official invitation.

6. It's bed time.

grease stew, movies (theater), list, pics

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