"Hello, is it me your looking for?"

Jan 09, 2006 02:40

Rest of Saturday - Sat around, watched some more movies, then hack_me_bitch showed up, we chilled a bit until p0sta1 and caducusa got here, we finished up the last 1/8 of a bottle of crown that they had, then we all got in Elyn's car and drove down to Captain Hirams. Duncan had gotten some "Hiram Bucks" from one of his jobs so we ventured down there to spend them. He had $80 and Jess was "there's no way we'll spend all of that". Well, she was wrong, it sounds like a lot, but if you think about it it's only $20 a person. Needless to say we spent the $80 in about an hour. There was this shitty cover band playing when we got there, but alcohol does crazy things, because by the end of the night we were digging them, well, Duncan was totally digging them, I was only kinda digging them, they were playing much better songs by the end of the night though. Duncan and I got pretty wasted, Jess a little bit, and Elyn not so much because she was driving. I had a shot of jager, a crown and coke, a shot of tequila, a long island, all on Duncan's "Hiram Bucks", so thank you to Duncan for those, then, on my tab I got a crown and coke, a shot of jager, then 2 more crown and cokes, and by then it went kinda blurry, but according to my bar tab I got another shot of jager and 2 more crown and cokes, that I don't really remember. I also got Duncan 2 drinks and my tab came out to $60. That kinda sucked. "no way we can spend $80", huh Jess? We spent that plus I spent another $60. Thats $140 on drinks, lets hear it for being alcoholics. So yeah, needless to say I was pretty drunk... ok, I was beyond wasted, it wasn't so so bad though, I didn't puke or pass out, I just got a bit fuzzy on my memories. Poor Duncan puked a whole bunch though. On the way home I had a fun time singing some Lionel Richie, well, it was Incubus covering Lionel Richie, but I guess technically it was still Lionel Richie, we also stopped at a 7-11 or something and apparently I was dancing my ass off there (not seriously, I was just fucking around) and everyone, including the people working there were cracking up. I am so funny. Duncan puked a bit more, Then eventually we got home and everyone went to their homes and sleep was had. PS, Elyn, Duncan, and Jess all smoke, and I got pretty drunk... BUT I STILL DIDN'T SMOKE!! GO ME!! For real, I am so proud of myself, I didn't even ask for one or anything, I craved one for like 2 seconds, then I was over it. I think I am really quitting this time!! WOO!!

Today - Woke up, not hung over in the least, but I went to get some water and while I was drinking my back blew up and has been killing me all day. So, like any Sunday, I've just been sitting here watching movies, and attempting to color some of my drawings, but my back has been killing me so I haven't felt too creative, I only managed to color in 2 pics. But, by request, I "scanned" some more of my drawings and have uploaded them for your viewing pleasure. I expect comments.

ok, so first off I say "scanned" because I don't have a scanner, so I just took pics of them with my digi cam. They were all done in pencil, then inked, then after "scanning" them, I put them into photoshop and tweaked the brightness/contrast to make the pic a bit more clear. Excuse some of the pics, as some I already colored or didn't ink and thus woudln't work right with the contrast, they look good enough though.

Yay Batman, I drew this a few months ago

This is one piece from my "GMRS makes me want to kill people/myself" collection (some time in 2002)

This one is also a few months old, just straight chillin. word.

I drew this one back in the "I'm-stuck-working-the-overnight-shift-at-devrereux" days. I really wanted to go out and get wasted, but yeah, I was stuck working the overnight shift at devereux, summer '03

Family Guy. exciting. woot. april '03

OK, I drew this one AGES ago, like back in '97 when Limp Bizkit was actually good. Fred Durst is an asshole and Limp Bizkit sucks, but regardless it's a pretty good drawing and I'm proud of it.

Another from my "GMRS makes me want to kill people/myself" collection.

The band is pretty shitty but I LOVE the art style. This was sometime in 2002 I believe.

I love Tim Burton. Another one done circa devereux overnights.

This could've been a lot better, didn't take my time with it, I liked the concept but I just didn't put enough effort into it

Human Torch. I think this is the last drawing I did.

Jack and Sally. Burton is a genius. This is from late 96 I believe.

OH MY GOD BEAR IS DRIVING, HOW CAN THAT BE?? I drew this while waiting in line to meet Kevin Smith at the megacon in 2001 or so.

Jay and Silent bob used to be my heros, this was done sometime in 2001 I think.

Jubilee, this one looks kinda meh, but I drew it when I was about 13, so it's not so bad. Notice the insanely different size of her earrings.... yeah, I suck.

Kingdom Hearts, great game, spent an entire day at GMRS, not taking calls, to draw this, it was fun times.

Again, drawn back in the day when Limp Bizkit was entertaining. Circa 97.

The late great James Lynn Strait and his dog Dobbs. Yet another piece I drew at GMRS, I had to draw it twice though because my water bottle leaked all over it in my back pack and the ink ran everywhere. Sonofabitch.

Yep, another from my "GMRS makes me want to kill people/myself" collection. That place was evil.

This took me 7 hours to do. the lettering blew terribly, so I fixed it in photoshop. Lettering is so not my thing.

Yeah, not a drawing, but still art I created, this was done sometime within the past 2 years, based on an argument of which is the better old school game, Zelda, or Megaman.

My first simpons/movie hybrid, done in 96 or so, again, as you can see, lettering is not my forte. Also looks weird because he colored pencil reflected the flash a bit and I was too lazy to fix it up in photoshop

I even drew each separate character.

Yet another piece I drew while at GMRS, that place gave me so much time to draw. I REALLY like how this one came out

One of my very rare full page drawings, also done at GMRS, the perspective is wrong in many places and I fucked up the web design on his left hand, but oh well.

This was done at devereux, when I was on evening shift, it took me a few hours, but all the kids were amazed by my skills and sat down and just watched me for hours, it kept them quiet and tame and we were all happy for that.

This was another one done on devereux night shift, exciting, I'm sure.

System of a Down, done circa Toxicity, which was like 2001 I think.

Wolverine getting his ass handed to him. Did this one at devereux, it helped lead to them saying I didn't work hard enough, it only took me 3/4 of a shift to do, I worked plenty hard. ;)

ladies, drunken idiots, movies (watched), drinks, no more smoking, shenanigans, captain hirams, drawing

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