Yay, time for Sunday updates! I been looking forward to this all weekend so I can gush about how amazing my
sassy_mollassey is. So, even though I did pretty much nothing all week I still managed to not update at all, so this may be a tad long, but what else is new?
Monday-Woke up, played some SW: KOTOR II: TSL and watched all 15 episodes of Lost that I DLed, and lemme say, GODDAMN, that show is fucking good. Easily one of the best shows I've seen in a long ass time. Hmm, so, did that pretty much all day, then sleep I think.
Tuesday-Pretty much sat around all day, reading some information and message boards about Lost and playing SW: KOTOR II: TSL and almost broke it cuz George Lucas is a freaking jew and charges too much money for licensing fees for the games and then the company can't pay for glitch testers(or so I assume). Why do I say this? Well, I found a REALLY BAD glitch, that, after researching on the web, is a very common glitch, that is so bad you have to start the game over, there's no way around it. It wouldn't have been so bad but there's another glitch, a good glitch, that gives you infinite experience points, so I spent like 30 hours gettting to level 50, which is the highest you can get, only for it all to be for nothing as I had to restart that planet. So, yeah, that pissed me off, so due to that, and because I haven't seen my friends in a while I went down to JD's and had some drinks with Jess and Dan, home, then sleep.
Wednesday-Woke up, stopped being lazy, went and applied for some jobs, cashed my paycheck from Basset Furniture, then went to Best Buy and bought Donnie Darko: Directors Cut, Saw, and The Sweetest Thing. I get in my car to leave and I see a piece of paper under my windshield wiper, so I go and get it and it says "OMG, LOVE YOUR STICKERS -RACHEL_RIOTT@hotmail.com", I just roll my eyes and head home. So, got home and figured I'd see who this person was who left the note just to see what loser would leave a note as such and have an email like that. With the stickers I have on my car and an email like that I assumed she was on Myspace, and she was, I was expecting some ugly ass 16 yr old emo chick that thought they were so cool cuz they have piercings and shop at hot topic, but I was wrong, she was 21. Anyways, Sat around a bit, more KOTOR II: TSL then at 8 I watched Lost, it kinda sucked, but only cuz the ones I DLed were HDTV, so it was widescreen and like DVD quality, but on my tv it's full screen and shitty reception. O well, the show itself kicked ass. More TV, then bed.
Thursday-Woke up to a call from Carouself Florist, one of the few places I applied at the previous day. They had originally scheduled an interview with me for Thursday the 24th, but they said they wanted me to come in sometime today. So I showered, called them, then headed down there and had my interview. It seemed like a really cool place, interview went well, I asked them about the Saturday situation and they told me I was required to work 2 a month, which I said would be ok I guess, few more questions, then they said they'd call and let me know. So, went home, watched a movie, Carousel called me and said I got the job, I was all excited and looking forward to it, until they asked me to start earlier, they wanted me in the next day, which sucked cuz I had planned on having a relaxing weekend with my Tangeriney, but I needed the money and figured I'd deal, so again I was excited, until Jennie called. She was having a bad week and when she found out that everytime she came here she'd have to sit around until almost 6pm every Saturday alone she got all upset, which is understandable, I'd totally hate for her to have to work everytime I went to see her. We talked it over and got over it eventually, TV, then bed.
Friday-Woke up all early and headed down to work, which SO sucked cuz I had been so looking forward to sleeping in then playing SW: KOTOR II: TSL and watching movies all day so it would pass quick so I could see my Jennie, but alas, had to go to work. Got there, seemed ok to begin with, first me and this other guy headed over to the warehouse to pick up some flowers, that guy was kinda cool, he was kinda punker, but all he talked about was drugs. LAME. We picked up flowers, then I got to drive the van back to the store(in Rockledge), dropped that off, packed up another van, then drove to another store in Titusville, dropped off that shit, then back to Rockledge store, packed up more flowers, then made like 10 deliveries in Melbourne, back to Rockledge, where I assumed we were done, but no, packed up more flowers, then made like 9 more deliveries in Melbourne, then back to Rockledge. We done now? NOPE. Pack up more flowers, then make like 6 deliveries down in Melbourne again, then back to Rockledge, finally we're done. That all sucked, not to mention the guy I was driving with(a different guy, not the punker kid) kept yelling at me cuz I was driving uber cautious as I'm not used to a big van like that. plus I'm just a careful driver anyways, but I must've heard "man, you could've made that!" like 50 times, as well as "man, I haven't had a day off since superbowl Sunday, I finally get a day off tomorrow, so I can't wait to get home cuz I gots me a 6 pack of Bud in the fridge, been waiting there since Monday, weeeeeee-hooooo". Oh yeah, that was all said with a deep south/redneck accent. Also, when we finally got back to the store, the manager lady tells me even though she said I could have every other Saturday off she now said someone quit or something and I'm gonna have to work Saturdays for the next few months, which I don't understand, because 1, no one else said anything about anyone quitting between the day I had my interview and when I started working, and 2, why the next few months? what if someone applied tomorrow and got the job? why not say "you need to work Saturdays till we get someone new". So they lied to me just to get me to work there. So between most of the people there being assholes, the lies, having to drive back and forth so much(I thought you'd get your whole days worth of deliveries then go out and do it then you're done), the depression of it(everywhere you deliver is either for a funeral, or it's for some lovey dovey couple, which made me miss Jennie), the shitty pay, and with my schedule I would never have time to look for a new job, I decided to think about quitting.
So, I went home and luckily Jennie got off work early so when I got home she was like 2 minutes away. We laid in bed and I whined to her about my day and all the shit about it and she agreed with me, she's the only one that truly understands me about everything and she made me laugh about it, even thought it's getting depressing not being able to find a job that I even remotely enjoy, she still made me smile and be happy, she really is the best person in the world and I love her with such a passion I truly can't explain it. So after talking about it and thinking it over I decided to quit. Again. Yes, I'm a loser, 3 jobs in 3 weeks. WTF? O well. I'll find something, one day. So, Jennie and I were hungry and she said since my day sucked she was going to take me out to dinner, after like an hour we decided to go to Smokey Bones, so did that, got damned good ribs, then went to the movies to see Constantine, we go in and we see Aaron and Ryan waitin on line, so we talk to them, Ryan is hardcore flirting with this chick who seemed to be around 15. She just acted really immature and looked young, but Ryan was all for it. Anyway, movie starts, eh, kinda lame. Really cool effects and camera angles, but the plot was boring, it wasn't terrible, but wasn't as good as I hoped, o well. Too much Jesus talk, dragged on too long, and it seemed like it was sponsored by Truth, so much anti-smoking propaganda, it was almost rediculous. O well. Movie ended, went outside and had a smoke as pretty much everyone in the theater did, as Keanu Reeves smoked like 60 cigs in the movie, so I'm sure everyone was cravin a smoke, and forced Ryan to ask for that girls number, he did, and he got it, which surprised me. Then Jennie and I went home, snoogles, then sleep.
Saturday-Woke up early and we headed to the zoo wth my sister and her boyfriend. Zoo was ok, nothin too special, monkeys were funny, Austin accidentally dropped his sunglasses in the giraffe area and one almost ate his glasses, it was funny. Got some lunch, then went home and watched Saw, I was uber tired and fell asleep a few times, after that we went to Incredible Pets and looked at all the crazy animals there, including some beautiful chameleons, a sloth, some creepy ass snakes, and a 200+ yr old snapping turtle that was almost as big as me. Crazy. Then we met Jess and Dan at JD's, had a few drinks, planned on leaving at 11:30 as we wanted to go home and snoogle, but Jennie was feeling real sick, so we left around 11, she pretty much fell right asleep when we got home, I watched a little TV and passed out soon after.
Today-Woke up, laid around a bit, then went to Chilis for lunch, ate, then came home, snoogled a bit, then Jennie left. No crying this time, I made her leave quick this time so I wouldn't cry like a little bitch. I watched some TV, cleaned my room a bit, then played SW: KOTOR II: TSL and now I'm watching my Sunday shows and talking to my Jennie, gonna play some more SW: KOTOR II: TSL in a bit, then sleep. out for now.