"You make me happy, you magnify my better half"

Feb 02, 2005 22:48

OK, first off I wanna say
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY sassy_mollassey!!! It's been a wonderful 2 months, you've made me so happy. I love you babe!!

So, thanks to my mid-week update last week I didn't do a Sunday update and now I'm all off my schedule. Fuck. But oh well, here we go.

Friday-Woke up, still felt like ass, so I think I sat around and played SW: KOTOR all day. At about 8 PM silent_gravity came and picked me up(my car has been acting up lately) and we met Jess and Dan down at JDs. It was fun, but kinda sucked cuz I was still sick, so smoking was making me cough even more and the beer just wasn't working, which sucked cuz I wasn't driving and was hoping to get pretty silly, but it didn't happen. Oh well. We left eventually, I went home and I think I played more SW: KOTOR then bed.

Saturday-Still felt like ass, spent the whole day playing SW: KOTOR and watched Star Wars: Epsiode I: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Epsiode II: Attack of the Clones then I got tired of Star Wars so I watched The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Yep, that's all I did all day.

Sunday-Woke up, more SW: KOTOR, then my Sunday shows, as of late I've been contemplating whether or not I should color in my zelda tattoo, so I put my photoshop skills to the test and tried coloring in a pic to see how it'd look. I planned on just seeing if It was possible, and finishing it Monday, but I got sucked in to it and did the whole thing, by the time I got in bed it was like 4am, and I just couldn't fall asleep next thing I know it's 7am, which is when I had to get up to go to work.

Monday-So, I showered and headed off to work, with no sleep. Got there, started my training which of course is the same 1st day training as you get everywhere, sexual harrasment shit, company rules, dress code, etc. My trainer then gave me a little tour of the building and when I stepped out on the floor to see everyone in their little cubicle-like areas and dialing their phones I immediately remembered why I havent worked a call center in a year, at some point there was a company meeting and they did some role playing and did and example call and pretty much no one there could convince the "debtor" to pay the debt. After hearing what a typical call was like I was ready to walk out, but I decided to sick it through the rest of the day. So did that, went home, bitched to everyone about how I "hate this job more than anything I've ever hated before" and how I didn't wanna go back. I had planned on just not going in the next day and instead going to apply for jobs, plus if I had kept the job I wouldn't really have time to find somthing new with my schedule, but I decided to go in anyways, cuz atleast I'm still getting paid for it and it's just training, plus I was really worried that I would quit and not be able to find another job with weekends off. So, I searched for jobs online then went to bed.

Tuesday-Decided to go to work, so I got up all early and went to the job, started day 2 of training. I went on my 1st break like an hour and a half into the shift, when I get back my trainer says the boss guy wants to talk to me. When you hear that you always figure it's bad but I thought "I haven't even officially started working yet, how can I be in trouble?". Well I get in there and basically says "this isn't working out, is it?" and I'm thinking "WTF? how am I getting fired already, what did I do wrong" and I guess he noticed the confused look on my face and he's "Don't worry, it's nothing you did really, it's just you look miserable here and your trainer said you told her you weren't that happy with it really" and I told him I wasn't, and that I almost didn't even come in today but figured I'd give it a chance before I quit and he's "well, you don't seem to happy, what do you wanna do" and I told "to be honest, being here now is making me so depressed, I can't stand doing this type of work and I'm totally not pushy enough to convince people to pay their debts, hell, I can't even make myself pay mine, so, althoguh I need the money and my weekends off, I think being here would make me more miserable than I've ever been my whole life, I thought maybe it'd be a bit better today, but it's only gotten worse, so I think I'm gonna have to go". He said "well, we're sorry to lose you, but if you don't think you'll be happy here then I guess it's for the better". So, I left, then applied at some other jobs, and got one. It kinda sucks cuz it's the furniture place Dan told me about like a month ago, if i had only gone there first... oh well. So I go, apply, talk to the manager and he asked if I'd wanna be a driver as opposed to doing warehouse like I applied for. I said sure and he showed me around the building, gave me some papers to fill out and told me to go get a drug test, and based on results from that and a background check he'll call me on Thursday about the job. Seeing as I haven't done any drugs in probably almost a year and I dont have anything bad in my past I'm sure I'll get the job. It's $8 an hour, $9 if I get a class D license(which just involves taking a 20 question test), 7:30am-5pm, unfortunately I dont have weekends off, just Saturdays, but atleast that means I can still see my sassy_mollassey Friday nights and all Saturday, but will have to leave her place real late Saturday night, and when she's here i'll just have to say good bye earlier. Kinda sucks, but it's better than having to work all weekend.

Anyway, did that whole thing, went home, played some SW: KOTOR then met Jess, Duncan, and torifanblue at Crickets. Crazy night, drinks were had jokes said, Barbara and Jessica kissed, and there was some bad karaoke. I got pretty toasted, had lots of fun. After there we went to Whattaburger, this new burger place over here. It's actually pretty good. Went home, chatted, sleep.

Today-Woke up, showered, at a bit, went to melbourne to get my drug test, came home, played some SW: KOTOR, finally beat it, it was pretty bad ass once I got used to it, the story was pretty cool too, I can't wait to replay it and go along to the darkside as opposed to being on light side like I did this time. But yeah, it's beaten so now I get to start a new game. After that I watched some tv and chatted with people, That's about it, as for now I'm gonna start a new videogame and play all night seeing as I think I start my job Monday so this is my last few free days. I can't wait till Friday, I finally get to see my Jennie again, I miss her so flippin much it's not even funny, so can't wait. But I'm out for now.

ok, so which is better? black outline only or colored in?(also if I really got it colored in there would be alot more detail and shading and highlights, not just flat colors)

also, how do you think I did with the photoshopping? does it look realistic at all or is it very obviously fake? lemme know

depressed, ink, new job (stephen basset furniture), lotr, work - first day (collections), work sucks (collections), job interview (stephen bassett furniture, work - fired (collections), drinks, movies (watched), photoshop, work - training (collections), video games (played), new job (collections), sick, girl on girl kiss, job hunting

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