So, sorry for no Sunday update, I was busy, was gonna do it Monday, but I got lazy. So, I'm gonna finally do it now while I have time and I'm not lazy.
Thursday-So, drove down to West Palm to see my uber wonderful
sassy_mollassey, I was listening to my Lord of the Rings audio book, but it kinda sucked. It was the dramatization, not the actual word for word book being read. I tried to deal with it but at one point it jumped from Frodo and Sam at Farmer Maggots right to meeting Strider at the Prancing Pony. So then I gace up and listened to the Garden State soundtrack and then A Dozen Furies. I finally got there at 7:30ish and we went to McDonalds and got some food then met up with her sister and brother-in-law at Star Bucks, got some coffee then headed to Barnes and Nobles, c hilled there a bit, I saw the Lord of the Rings audio book on CD, but it was $130 so I said fuck that. After that we all headed to her sisters house, me and Greg played some Star Wars Battlefront and then we went home, cuddled, she went to bed and I stayed up and watched some tv and looked up some videogames online then eventually slept.
Friday-Jennie had to wake up early for work, I slept in, woke up, showered, went online a bit, Jennies sister came over to use the computer and me and Greg went to Taco Bell, got food, came back, Marie and Greg left, I looked at more games online, Jennie came home, we laid around a bit then went to the mall as I wanted to check out some games, they had a few I liked but I wanted to check online about them again. We then met Marie an Greg at their place, the went to Jenies favorite pub, O'Sheas. We got some dinner, I got a corned beef sammich, it was so freaking good. 2 of Jennies friends showed up, we all ate dinner then sat outisde and had some drinks, nothin uber huge to mention, just hanging out having some beers and talkin. Me and Greg did have a convo about how big of dorks we are. I think I won. We talked about Star Wars a bit and I found out he met George Lucas in london or somethin. They were at a Hard Rock Live and he happened to be waiting to get in. Thats crazy awesome. Anyway, more drinks, then home, snooogles, sleep
Saturday-Woke up, sat around a bit, got showered and dressed, went to some juice place and got some smoothies, then headed back to the mall and went to EB. Jennie insited on buying me a game, so we went to go get one, they were having a buy one get one half off sale so I ended up getting 2 games, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, both for Gamecube, and with the sale it was only $30 or so. We left the mall and had nothin else to do before her sisters birthday dinner so we went to the other mall, went to EB again, and they happened to have the game i realy wanted but didn't have at the other EB, which kinda sucked, so I went to reach for my american express card and realized I left it at Jennies. FUCK. So Jennie said she'd buy it, I told her no cuz it was $35, but she insisted, I kept trying to refuse but she insisted, so I told her fine, but I was paying her back and she said no again. I will one day, just she wait. So we go to pay and the guy says they have the same buy one get one one half off sale so I try to get Jennie to find a game but she can't find one so I end up getting another game, so, yeah, I got another 2 games, Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, and that cost another $40. I feel so bad, but Jennie insisted on buying it all. Afterwards we went back home, and watched a tape of some SNL sketches, then got dressed and ready and went to dinner with her family. Twas fun, food was good, etc etc etc. After we went to Marie and Gregs and played board games(clue FX, Trivial Pursuit: Pop Culture, and Scene It), had lots of fun, I lost bad at Clue, I hate that game. Me and Jennie won at Trivial Pursuit, and me and her won at Scene It, but we played again and somehow we lost. I think its just cuz my braind was tired after about 4 hours of trivia. Went home, sleep.
Sunday-Woke up, cuddled a bit, went to T.G.I.Fridays for lunch, came back, packed up, and went home. It suckd, I hate saying goodbye to her, I love her so much that it almost makes me physically sick to leave her. and I cried for a good 20 minutes after I left, it sucks, but I'll see her soon, so I can deal. So, drive drive drive, got home, played some of those games, then to bed.
Monday-Woke up, more videogames, was really lazy, I should've gone lookin for a job, but I'm lazy. So I just played videogames all day, till about 9 cuz the game uber pissed me off and I almost broke a controller by throwing it on the ground. Ooops. Then I watched some TV, watched Battle for Ozzfest and guess what?!
yeah, I was uber happy. More videogames, then sleep.
Today-Woke up, and did this update and watched TV. Best thing happened on this show I;m watching called Yes Dear, 3 characters, who are security guards at a movie studio were sitting in their security booth and had a little conversation, basically went as such:
guard 1: OK, hypothetical situation, a guy has a gun to your head and says you have to have sex with a guy, who do you pick?
(I'm of course thinking "Johnny Depp")
guard 2: I dunno, Cal Ripken Jr
guard 1(mockingly): is it his sexxxy eyes?
guard 2: No, I'm not attracted to guys at all so I just picked my favorite ball player
guard 1(to guard 3); what about you?
guard 3: that's easy, Johnny Depp
guard 2: hey, hey, thats not bad, I'm gonna switch to Johnny Depp too.
I dunno, I just found it so hilarious, I literally laughed for like 10 minutes, it's just kinda wierd that they said the Depp. Anyway, yeah, that's all I've done today, and a minute or so I'm gonna shower then go look for jobs maybe. It just sucks really cuz there's no production jobs in melbourne, and I really don't want to work retail or anything again, and I'm really worried that wha tever job I get is going to need me to work weekends, and then how will I see Jennie? I mean, I know she would proably come up here almost every weekend for me and sit at home while I worked cuz she loves me oh so much, I'd do the same for her, but I really want a job where i don't work weekends, so I can see her all weekend when she comes up, or so I can still see her. Maybe I can get a job where I work friday morning, have Saturday off, then work Sunday evenings. Guh, I fuckign hate this. O well, I'm out for now.