"if you're looking for an open book, look no further I am yours"

Nov 08, 2004 13:23

So it's another day of work with John not here for the most part, I'm still waiting on IP addresses and all my other shit is done, which means I have nothing to do, which means time for an update.

Thursday night-Went home after work, played some more GTA and watched Christine, I forgot how cool that movie is. I need more horror movies. Finished watching that then headed over to Suzies, we chilled there for a bit, me, her, and her friend analia or somethin. We headed over to BBQ Bar, chilled there for a bit, got drinks, I was uber tired for some reason so I wasnt being super talkative, plus Suzies friend, I dunno, kinda annoying just a bit and we had like nothing in common so I had nothin really to say to her, so I just chatted with Suzie all night. At some point noelanistar showed up and we chatted for quite a bit. And, coincidentally at that point Analia got "oh so sleepy" which I find funny as she works over nights so 12:30ish you should be wide awake, right? I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I think she was jealous of the Wilma. Suzie had told me she(Analia) thought I was cute and sweet and Suzie kinda hinted at me about a possible hook up. She seemed to try to be flirty all night and trying to talk to me about anything and everything, but, well, she's not my type really, and to be honest I didn't find her attractive in the least, so I basically just ignored her, then Wilma shows up, who is 3587525925253598903210 times hotter and I'm talking to her alot, then Analia gets sleepy? I dunno, again, maybe it's just me, but it seemed like jealousy to me. ANYWAY, we left, which sucked cuz I wanted to drink more and chill with Wilma and Suzie, but o well, we left, went back to Suzies, her friend left, me and Suzie chilled for a bit, had a cig then I decided to leave before I got all sleepy and couldn't make it home. Got home, did some internet shit, then went to bed.

Friday-I guess I need more sleep during the week or somethin cuz by the time i got home and went to bed it was about 3:30 and I didn't wake up till 2pm. It felt soooo good to sleep in though. I woke up, filled out some paper work for graduating for school, FINALLY, got in a slight argument with my dad cuz hes uber paranoid about business shit, he's forever thinking people are trying to scam everyone, and almost woudlnt fill out some of the shit for my student loans cuz he insisted it was an application for another loan, but I tried explaining it to him that it's just a form to get our info so they know where to send bills and shit and so we know all the details. He finally got all huffy and filled it out. I went down to school, dropped the paper work off, filled out more shit, got everything signed that need to be signed and picked up my report card(A, B, B, C) and now I'm officially graduated, now that all my paper work is in. Woo-fucking-hoo. After that I went to Sallys to get more gel, then over to Best Buy to get Shrek 2 and also wound up buying The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age for game cube. I so have a problem with spending money. I don't think I'm even half way through with GTA but yet I'm buying new videogames. o-well. Went home, had some dinner, watched Shrek 2 and played a little GTA, what a combonation, eh? After that I watched Plan 9 from Outer Space which is supposedly know as the worst movie ever made. It was pretty cheesy, but I enjoyed it, I'm just a sucked for cheesy B horror/sci-fi movies I guess. GTA was pissing me off cuz I couldn't pass this one mission, so I called Jess and Dan to see if they were up to anything, they were just chillin at home watchin movies, so I decided to switch to LOTR:TTA and watch From Hell. At some point in there I got a new message on myspace from this newly added friend Jennie, basically saying I rock and she wants to chat, so I gave her my screen name and we talked a bit and shes pretty fucking awesome, and not to mention ber cute, we have too much in common, it's crazy, even down to our dogs names. wtf? she said something to the effect of how shes a loser cuz she was home on a friday playing GTA and I about shat myself, cuz I was doing the same like 10 minuts prior. girls that play video games(especially GTA)=HOT and girls with dark curly hair and glasses=HOT, and girls with both that, well, god damn. But of course, someone that cool and cute that actually wants me of course has to live an hour and a half away. But we both have the same schedule(meanign we both have weekends off) so we're planning on meeting up at some point, and who knows from there, but I'm not gonna get hopes about this one(yeah right, I always say that) and we'll just see what happens. so yeah, we talked all night, it was great, then she went to bed and I continued to play LOTR:TTA till like 5am.

Saturday-Woke up and played LOTR:TTA all day. It's a cool game for the most part, but it's kinda wierd cuz it's not real LOTR, I mean, it has the locations and characters(eventually), but you don't play as them, you're this wierd alternate fellowship that is following the real fellowship around and help them out at points. I dunno, its cool I guess. So yeah, did that all day, talked to Jennie again, then at 7 I headed over to Aarons for a little party. When I got there it was just me, Jess, and Dan, and of course Aaron. It was pretty lame, I called my friend Kat and she came over after a while, and eventually Ryan showed up, then some of Aarons roomies friends. After a while we were all drunk and havin fun. It's wierd, I didn't drink all that much really, but the night is kinda a blur. O well. At some point, well, many points Aaron was bitching cuz we were trying to get him to drink. We finally got him to do a half shot of rum and he almost puked. Dan was drinking crazy amounts of rum and before long it was gone, and due to me being obsessed with Johnny Depp and Jess and Dan havign watched Pirates of the Carribean the day before there was many times "but why's all the rum gone" was shouted. Fun times. To Aarons protest he went and got more as he was the only one sober, and more was drank, then someone busted out some jeager. Jess and Dan were already trashed, but I guess this one dude challenged Dans manhood, said he "couldn't drink" so Dan had to prove him wrong and went shot for shit with him with the jeager. They finished 3/4 of a bottle in like 20 minutes. Shit was insane. After that was over it was getting boring and late and I was pretty much sober so I drove home, talked to Jennie a bit more, then went to bed.

Sunday-LOTR:TTA all fucking day as well as talked with people and listened to music. Then to bed.

Today-Woke up, work, i been here like 6 hours or so(including break) and I haven't done a damn bit of work yet. It's great cuz I still need those IPs so I still can't do anything, I'm just gonna continue talking to Suzie and Jennie and fill this out:

-- UNIQUE --
1. Nervous Habits? biting nails, smoking alo
2. Are you double jointed? Nope.
3. Can you roll your tongue? Sure can.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? just the left
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? yeps
6. Can you cross your eyes? Yes.
7. Tattoos? 19, not goin through them all
8. Piercings? none
9. Do you make your bed daily? No

10. Which shoe goes on first? whicever i grab first
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? probably at some point
12. On the average, how much money do you carry? whatever I have left of my paycheck
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? my one ring
14. Favorite piece of clothing? my brown "hobbit pants"

-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl it
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? no
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate, or chocolate brownie fudge
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? not a clue
19. What's your favorite beverage? tea, milk, water, beer
20. What's your favorite restaurant? smokey bones, olive garden, taco bell
21. Do you cook? I can, bu i usually don't cuz I'm lazy

22. How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day.
23. Hair drying method? towel it till its like 3/4 dry, then put in gel
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? have for the past 7 years

25. Do you swear? so much I don't even realize it anymore
26. Do you ever spit? yep

27. Animal? penguins and monkeys
28. Food? chinese, sketti, burgers, asmmiches
29. Month? october
30. Day? sunday I guess, it's my day to rest and do nothin all day
31. Cartoon? Family Guy.
32. Shoe Brand? I dunno, I've had the same pair of adidas for the past 5 years
33. Subject in school? English...God, I miss English.
34. Color? Green
36. TV show? boy meets world, that 70s show.
37. Thing to do in the spring? I dunno, I do the same shit all year as we dont really have seasons in FL. So I guess watch movies, go out with friends, play videogames, whatever
38. Thing to do in the summer?
39. Thing to do in the fall?
40. Thing to do in the winter?

41. The CD player? In; iPod, The Early November playlist on shuffle Around: random work papers
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? I guess Jess, since I only call people really to make plans, and she and Dan are all I usually chill with
43. Ever taken a cab? No.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? No.
45. What color is your bedroom? covered in posters
46. Do you use an alarm clock? yeah, but it doesnt work for me really
47. Window seat or aisle? flying is the scary

-- LA LA LAND --
48. What's your sleeping position? on my stomach.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? sometimes, but usually just a sheet or lighter blanket
50. Do you snore? Only when I'm sick or really drunk
51. Do you sleepwalk? No.
52. Do you talk in your sleep? No
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nope
54. How about with the light on? if I'm tired enough.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? I need somethin on at all times, silence severely bothers me
56. Last interesting person you met? Jennie, she rocks my socks

-- WTF --
57. Weirdest place you've ever puked? i guess out the window of a car doing 80 down the highway
58. Craziest place you've ever gotten freaky? in front of her friends house on the side of the road as cars were driving by. heat of the moment baby, heat of the moment.
59. Grossest thing you've ever seen? this video of this asian chick sucking many cocks and getting liek 10 facials, wiping it off into a cup, drinking that, puking it up, drinking it again, puking it up again, then drinking it again the puking it up again then pouring it on her head/face. asians scare me sometimes.
60. Most disgusting thing you've ever eaten? eggs. yick
61. What's that smell? peach smothie from natures table.

celebrate, drunken idiots, lotr, survey, johnny depp, video games (purchased), movies (purchased), school, graduated, ladies, jaeger shot for shot, drinks, movies (watched), potential gf (jennie), lame girls, party, video games (played), sick

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