we be rollin'

Apr 27, 2006 22:40

what was i on when i agreed to go to 3 other proms, not even including my own? this is craziness, way too much stress. note to self: LEARN HOW TO SAY NO.

shit is weird right now. really weird. things go from great to awful about 32 times a day within 3 seconds. my mood is too easily altered by things that shouldn't effect(affect?) me at all, but do anyway. screw like, feelings and shit.
i think i've realized the qualities i'm attracted to. i won't list them because that's lame.

aaaaaanyway, KW prom should be a grand old time i'm actually pretty excited. everything's good, except for the minor transportation issue. walking? okay, fair enough.

Welp, the SAT's already chewed me up and spit me out back in November and this time doesn't look like it will be any different. bye college.

tomarrow should be a wonderful day consisting of acquiring knowledge at good old kenmore west, singing some songs with the gold old choir at good old kenmore middle, coming home and getting ready mad fast, and going to a good old saint joe's senior prom at the good old marriot.

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