Dec 18, 2004 18:34
well things havent really been that great lately. things with me and andy have just been one big blur and i am very confused. i love it how everygood thing that happpens can never just work out. its just wonderful. and i feel kinda bad for talking to my friends about it because i feel like i am dragging them into my problems, but good thing i have such awesome friends. but anyways, monday night was pretty fun. melissa and jaime picked me up and then we went to chik-fil-a and hen young life at P.A. young life makes me happy. it was all-city so it was mondo crowded but lots of fun. then i had to bob for random objects in a big tub full o water and eggnog. mmm fun. all of my hair got in it and everything and i was soaked for the rest of the night. i can pretty much say by the end of the night i reeked. (sorry if your car forver smells of eggnog melissa) and kristen gave me wayne! thanks kristin! then the rest of the week pretty much sucked. school sucks. but mr kelly has been absent for the last 2 weeks so kirby got us out of wh by saying she had to do an interview on me for the falcon press. we walked around the halls for about an hour and a half. kirby is the coolest person in the world and i love her :) she is the best person to talk to. but then on thursday me and chelsea walked to meghans after key club and it was very...interesting. but fun. last night me and kristen went cosmic bowling and then i spent the night over her house. it was bunches of fun. and i hung out with meghan for a while today. o and by the way...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELON!! but thats all thats happened in my not so interesting life. tomorrow is christmas shopping.yay! i love buying stuff for people. but thats all for now. ill update again later. byebye
<3 amanda