Dreams... nightmares... I cant tell the difference...

Oct 01, 2006 10:25

I literally JUST woke up, so please excuse my sloppy grammar/spelling mistakes. But listen.... I just had a dream. And I really don't remember a lot about this dream... but I THINK I was in a movie... like, I had the distinct feeling it was supposed to be a film what with the strange angles and faced paced images and such. But whatever, movie or not... myself and a rather small group of people stranded on this island that used to serve as a military base were being stalked and killed by super-intelligent leopards. That may SOUND stupid... but LISTEN... in the moment, while HAVING the dream... my heart was fucking RACING!!! Like, have you ever seen Jurassic Park? You know the scene where the two kids are trapped in the giant kitchen? I had an entire scene JUST like that... only I was alone... with two super-intelligent leopards... and somehow I survived that whole ordeal.

... fucking.... TERRIFYING...

And so then I meet up with some of the other survivors in this old house that looked to be, like... a lighthouse of sorts. It was right on the edge of this large body of water and VERY nautical looking and such. And the leopards planned this fucking ELABORATE scheme and, like... surrounded us. And we all fled... and I don't know who else lived, but in the end myself and this VERY muscular, VERY attractive African-American gentleman we're wading through waste-deep water in this, like... channel of some sort... and then we hooked up... because listen, I was terrified and needed comforting. And I was SO relieved that this dream was veering in such a light-hearted direction! Until one of those fucking super-intelligent leopards FOUND us!!! And we stopped hooking up and started to flee...

And then I woke up...

I am SO paranoid right now.... *looks around the room for super-intelligent leopards*

leopards, jurrasic park, dreams, nightmares

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