Tales of theft and such

Sep 21, 2006 20:51

So I get home from work around eleven today and as I'm settling down I hear my buzzer go off. I walk into the hallway to find the president of the condo association, Karen, standing in the doorway. She greets me and proceeds to inform me that at some point during the night someone(s) broke into the garage and vandalizedseveral of the vehicles, mine being among them. My car wasn't damaged, but one of my neighbors had the roof of her Jeep cut open and another car had its window broken. Now some of you may be shocked to find out that I even OWN a car, but yes... I do... I just don't use it at the moment... obviously. And since I don't use it nothing was taken from it, but the door was left open, the glove-box was rummaged through, and several of my stereo-speakers I had left in there for storage were screwed with. Luckily I have the rest of the system hooked up in my house.

So I had to talk with a cop and, like, verify that all of my belongings were still in my vehicle and all (which I really CAN'T prove because I never use it) and it was just a big pain in the ass...

So yeah... that's reassuring... I feel great knowing that my condo-complex is so ACCESSIBLE to buglers... I mean, they had to get in somehow! There was no broken glass... no forced entry... they probably just picked the fucking lock and thats that. We need better security here, all around...

I don't like being scared in my own home...

Luckily, what could have been a crappy day was made bright again when Cory dropped me a line and asked if I wanted to hang. Listen... I didn't just want to hang... I NEEDED to hang. We went for a steak dinner (Applebees) and then went shopping (Target)... looks like this is becoming our standard drill. I'm down with that... I'm down with that so much.

Target is good for many things.

A.) Watching Cory get hit on by the hairy, balding, italian security guard
B.) Making me want to settle down, decorate my home, have kids, and play the part of husband... I know, I know... far far off, but still... at least I know what I want.
C.) In complete contradiction to what I just said, make me want to smack loud, rowdy children! 
D.) Make me spend a lot more money then I have in my possession... God bless debit cards...

Good night...

target, cory, buglers, robbery, applebees, shopping, steak, work, car

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