Sep 08, 2004 18:45
So I'm sitting here... bored... alone... I HATE living by myself. I am a social butterfly. I need people around me 24/7. I don't have that at the moment, and so I am simply wasting time. That's no good.
I could practice the dance for show chior.
No... too much work...
So I'm listening to Miracles Happen by Myra, hence the title of this post. As I listen to this beautiful voice, a question evolves in my mind... where is Myra?
Where are you Myra?!
... ok sorry...
I had my first gay-bashing experience at River today. Some red headed jock guy yelled out "Look at that flamer" in my general direction. I spun around and looked at him, smiling. "Are you a flamer?" he asked me. Oh come on... be a little more creative. At least kick it up to faggot.
"Uh, yeah. I am definitely gay. You found the faggot, good job!"
I then winked at him and walked out of the building. He didnt say anything, so I'm guessing he was slightly baffled by the fact I actually responded. I am so totally proud of my smart ass personality. It does come in handy at times.
Lets get back to my journal review.
-So we had that whole Titanic themed dinner party at Erica's last Wed. I went as the first person on the ship to freeze to death. Catie and I spent the whole time mocking the third class passengers (Amanda and Andrew).
9-3-04 (continued)
-A few of us headed into the valley and snuck into this old cemetery that's supposedly haunted by this witch. Well... no witch... but there were cops.
Luckily none of us got in trouble.
No more group outings of that sort for me.
-Brian left yesterday. I am rather saddened by this. Brian has become a good friend. Better then I could have ever expected. Saying goodbye to him was hard. For the first time in my life, I didn't cry over something that normally would have had me bawling. I almost feel bad. I feel as if my emotions have been sucked out of me. I have to much to think about. I dont have time to cry or freak out. Some people might consider this a blessing. I do not.
-Really random... Vanessa and Robbie stopped over. Definitely a pleasent surprise. I do miss my old friends... alot... I hope we keep in contact this time.
-Anna M called me today. What a unexpected surprise! I've grown to really like Anna. She is so wonderfully different and an all around sweet heart.
-Catie also called me today. Sadly, I missed her call. Gr... predictable... I really would love to have a lengthy chat with Captain Coleman. It's been what? A week since we last spoke... That's no good.
-I called Steve Wright today. He seemed a little surprised to hear from me. That's understandable. We don't get to talk much. And now that he's leaving for the navy, I question whether we will manage to keep in touch. I've tried to keep up some form of communication. I question whether he really want's me to continue that. Ah well, until something is said, I will continue to check up on him...
He's supposed to stop by for a visit...
I doubt he will...
(He never did.)
-My Diana Degarmo broke in the move. Fuck you Molly... learn to pack shit so it DOESNT get fucked up. That's kinda the purpose.
-I visited my mom today. She looks worse then the last time I saw her. I didn't think that would be possible. She's going in for surgery... again... sometime this week.
Great.... more fun for her. God, just thinking about her gets me depressed. Everyone always tells me life will get better. Well, she proves them wrong. She has no one (other then me, David, and Nancy) to love her. No husband or partner. She is in constant pain. She has no form of joy what-so-ever.
I brought her flowers and candy. What the fuck does that do? Flowers die. Candy eventually gets eaten or simply rots away. How the hell is that supposed to make up for the hell she's going through?
How do I know things wont get better for me?
Hm... that was slightly depressing. Well, on a lighter note... uh... ok, well, no light note at the moment. But I'll think of one eventually. Until then, love!