Aug 27, 2007 19:10
I really find myself evaluating things under a differnt perspective at this point in my life. I'm no longer the person people once forseen me as. When people see me now a days they think I am still the hot mess that I was two years ago. A lot has changed since then, I love myself for who I am and I love my body. I find myself not really hanging out with the people I once used drugs with. I also find myself constantly questioning the company I keep. Part of me feels out of place most of the time. When I do hang out with some of my old friends I feel like im simply wasting my time. I feel bad about it but then again I don't really give a fuck anymore. High school is over with. It's been over with. I think i've done more with myself than anyone in my graduating class. How many people can say they've been put up in First class and flown around the country to meet big shots of the industry. I can.
I sold my house today in Swartz Creek. I wasn't afraid at all, this past few days I have felt so numb. I want to just sleep and wake up in a differnt city. I'm still trying to become the person I wanted to be when I was a kid still. I might have the look of what I was going for, but I need to be a rockstar. I feel like I am well on my way. So much for an alternative ed kid eh? I've done very good for myself. I just want more, nothing is ever really good enough. All I really want out of life is prince charming and a kid. Thats all I want anymore. So i'm setting out to find it .
People often ask me if I will miss my family when I leave MI. I reply with "NO". My family really annoys the living fuck out of me. I want to be as far away from them as possible. I just can't stand people knowing me that well. I don't want anyone to really know who I am. I never have wanted anyone to know me. I like it that way.
I feel emotionally exhausted. I think I am going to get a hotel next weekend so I can get away from all the stress.