**I DiDn*T tHiNk ThAt ScHoOL wAs GoNnA bE sOoO fUnNy!**

Jan 05, 2005 17:07

Tuesday~ It was the first day back at school! JOY..not! I woke up late...surprise, surprise. And we all thought that we were gonna die when we got to school! The day was soOo long. But guess what..."I WAS ON TV!" The reason i was on there is REALLY sad...but it is still fun that i was! For thoses of you that didn*t know...a girl that went to our school, was killed over the christmas break! She was killed by he CRAZY step father. SoOo the news people had to come and film our class during the moment of silence. But yeah well later on, after lunch, me and sTePhAnIe were at our lockers and about to walk to 6th like we always do. All of the sudden, as we were walkin down the hall...sTePhAnIe look at each other and say, "IS THAT HER BUTT". It turns out that the girl in front of us had her skirt caught in her thong and you could see her butt...BIG TIME! We were in the middle of the hall..pretty much on the floor, laughing. CaRrIe came up to us and was like asking us what was wrong and all we did was point cause we couldn*t stop laughing. Then she got JoHn to look...and then we started walkin to our class. It turns out that the girl was in a class right by sTePh*s class, so we had to walk behind her the whole way. When sTePh got to GrAcE*s class, GrAcE looked at her and was like..."omg, is that her butt?!?!". And then she was like...someone has to tell her and sTePh was like i can*t..i will feel bad when i *m laughing in her face. SoOo GrAcE takes off down the hall and tells the girl and the girl was like..."soOo like everyone just saw my butt?!?!" but i don*t think that she was that embarrissed cause she was telling her friends about it and she was laughing...soOo yeah.

ToDaY~ We watched a movie in science and all the girls were like crying because it was about these people that had to kill themselves in order to save the world...and one of the ladies on there who was gonna kill herself was talkin to her husband and daughter for the last time on this TV thing and her daughter was like "I LOVE YOU MOMMY!" and omg...it was soOo sweet! Then we played this game in math and i got my answers right, which is a surprise cause me and cRuIt had no idea what we were doing cause we don*t listen in that class! LoL. Then i went to get one of my binders out of BrOwN*s room. And it*s funny cause everyone thinks that we are sisters soOo BrOwN(for those of you that don*t know, she is my teacher) just started telling people that we are! It is soOo funny, and when i came into her class she was like, "HOW IS MOM DOING" and "I*M GONNA COME VISIT SOON"! everybody in there was like soOo lost! LoL! then i went to GeRmAn and it was great! Somehow CoLe got FrAu CLeMmeT*s cell phone number. don*t ask me how, nut he did. SoOo he was like calling her during class and she wouldn*t answer cause she didn*t know who it was. And he just kept doing it! He called her for like the whole class period, and she never found out who it was! I just think that it is gonna be funny when she call TuKeR*s phone back and it goes to his voice mail! LoL! It*s gonna be great!

***Well i have to go get ready for CHURCH!
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