Dec 29, 2003 09:41
so i finished the second book last night. i was dead tired, but hell-bent on finishing that damn book. of course, i get to the last paragraph and it scares the shit outta me so i'm incapable of sleeping for a couple of hours...*sigh* i heart these books! i'm gonna start the third book, If There Be Thorns, sometime today.
today i am being lazy as sin. i have to unpack and get my suitcase back up in the attic...and do some laundry. but i don't wanna.
Kyuhl's surgery is today. it's at...10, i think. i told him i'd call him around 2 to see how he's doing, and said i'd prolly go over to his house around 4 to visit him for a while. crazy times.
i got another kick-ass calendar! the Bradley's sent me a Will & Grace calendar and it is just the coolest thing ever. i also got a Red Fraggle doll from my dad! aaaaaaaand Beth sent me a Care Bear! so with my My Little Pony, my Red Fraggle, my Care Bear, and my VC Andrews books, i'm so all about the 80's. woot woot.