We Walk Along Winding Roads, by Alex Sorensen (
What do you do when you're faced with a choice between what is legally (and what was then so 7very) right, and what your heart defines as "right" right now? One is always faced with obstacles that must be overcome to be able to continue on with their life, whether it is a fear of heights or of clowns; but for Michael Johns, "overcoming" his "obstacle" isn't going to be that easy.
The chapter list for this fanfic have been moved
When American Idol aired last year, I was hit with inspiration - after all, Mavid (Michael Johns and David Cook) is like an unending source of it. Way back in September, I posted that I'd be halting this fic because I'd be immersed in my studies, as it is senior year. Back then, I still had an intention to finish this fic - and I still do. Eventually. I haven't moved on from Mavid, of course not, because that was one year, one summer to remember; I've just been swamped with everything - family, real life, studies, track, swim, my involvement with Laule'a and Kaibigan (social and service clubs respectively), pretty much everything.
One day, this will get finished. I don't know by when and I don't know how - I've recently been using season 8's Kradam, or Kris Allen and Adam Lambert, to get me out of a dry spell of sorts, and it's sort of working - but I don't like leaving things unfinished.
Okay, I'm done here.