1. Who eats more?
In one sitting? Dennis. Overall might be me. I'm a horrible snacker.
2. Who said "I love you" first?
3. Who is the morning person?
4. Who sings better?
Neither of us
5. Who’s older?
Dennis, of course. By an amount that startles people when they find out.
6. Who’s smarter?
That's a loaded question I think. In official testing (SAT, ACT, etc) Dennis but I think we're both intelligent in different ways.
7. Whose temper is worse?
Mine is truly the fire of a thousand suns when I really go off
8. Who does the laundry?
Me usually. I don't understand his reasoning when doing clothes
9. Who does the dishes?
Dennis. The kitchen is supposed to be his domain. I'll do them sometimes when I just can't stand it anymore.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
When you're in the bed or looking at the bed from the end?
11. Whose feet are bigger?
We're roughly the same size so I really don't know
12. Whose hair is longer?
13. Who’s better with the computer?
14. Do you have pets?
Two kitties
15. Who pays the bills?
I do. I'm type A that way
16. Who cooks dinner?
Mostly me. I get home two hours before he does
17. Who drives when you are together?
He does and he's welcome to it. I drive ALL the time for work and it's nice to let someone else do it.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
Usually me
19. Who’s the most stubborn?
20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
Wrong? What is this wrong? I am never wrong. I'm always right even when I'm wrong!
21. Whose family do you see more?
Mine. They live here whereas his sister lives in TN
22. Who named your pet?
I did. I've had the monsters way longer than I've had Dennis
23. Who kissed who first?
That would be Dennis. "I'm going to kiss you now." ~silly grin~
24. Who asked who out?
There was no asking out. It was "This guy is cool and funny to talk to. I don't love him. I don't love him. I'm going to Cleveland and want to meet you but I don't love you. I don't ... FUCK!"
26. Who’s more sensitive?
Me. I'm a big ole softy
27. Who’s taller?
Me. By about an inch
28. Who has more friends?
I don't know. Here in Boise, I think him. Overall I think me.
29. Who has more siblings?
Me. I have a brother and a sister and he has just one sister.
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
We don't work that way. It's a mutual relationship. Although I'm more overbearing I think.