(no subject)

Apr 23, 2009 23:51

So. Been meaning to make an entry. But.

I FOUND A STORE IN SEATTLE TO TRANSFER TOO. FFFFWOO I'M MOVING. Fan-fucking-tastically enough as well, it's the closest Starbucks to Lai's house, so it's totally within walking distance. Hell. Yes. I will be transferring late June (no set date yet), so up until then I will be boxing things up to mail to Lai ahead of time, and getting rid of a TON of crap. Since my parents are moving too, to much smaller places, I really need to get rid of like, EVERYTHING that I can't take to Seattle. Aaaaaa. 8|

I really, really hope my new manager and co-workers are all as awesome and positive as my crew has been here. Really, this store makes me flat-out love my job, and I really think it's helped me to become a better person overall. Let no bad happen. Thank you infinitely to all the support and advice you guys have given me, it's helped so much. I haven't murdered anyone yet. :D Looking forward to seeing you again, Ber! Leanna and Chuck, I think about you two DAILY, and it kind of breaks my heart and kills me inside to think that I'd never see either of you again, so... Something must be done. Eventually.

Trees. Ocean. Spirits. Life. I'm going back to where I belong, I can almost feel my aura waking up again already. ♥~
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