I don't feel well at all. I had the chills all day, I felt sick, I didn't eat a thing. I just felt, clech.
Then I saw my mommy crying in the basement, on the phone with Ricardo saying today was a bad day. It then hit me. Today is the
anniversary of my father's funeral. Six years ago, exactly, we burried him on Wednesday June 13th. A Wednesday, just like today is. Cold. Drizzily. Chilling.
\I stood in the spot he hanged himself. My whole body felt weak and this odd fusion swept through me. Now my ears hurt and My body is aching. I think I can feel him here and I can swear I hear bits of his voice calling me in the wind. Faintly. I'm not kidding. I think I heard him call my name when I was in the basement too.
I feel like I'm going to throw up.
<3 L. Del.