So I had a meeting today at Newton North High School. I might attend there next year if Bais Yakov doesn't work out. The deal is, is I will start as a Sophomore, blech, until November (where I will the the MCAS...
and then I can jump to Junior year OR I'll say a Sop and jump to Senior year next year. Fuck being sick and missing to much school.
If I go to north I'll be a tiger. ggrrrawrr.
So the meeting went by well and if I go to North I'll be happy. Even if I have to start as a soppie. It's cool. I have enough credits to be a Junior but I need MCAS prep. So, that should be oodles of fun. It's just until November, probably.
we'll seeee.
It's kinda confusing...
<3 Delilah