Dec 21, 2007 22:24
I haven't posted anything on this site in so long, its ridiculous. This site still confuses the hell out of me!
Time to just vent.. or do something.
Oh, I'm sorry, am I not allowed to say penis? Or is it because I attached the word 'cake' after it that made it worse? I'm not really sure. All I know is that I've been banned from cfans because i said 'penis cake'. Katie and I were talking about a cake her grandmother made her aunt! AND I GET BANNED. Apparently combing the two words 'cake' and 'penis' is a no no. Here's a little peak at my conversation with a mod. :)
Emily says:
That laguage isnt allowed on the forum at all*
- michelle;; bullshiiitt. says:
Yah but Pat had told us a LONGGG TIME AGO if we wanted to call each other whores and stuff then to keep it into our chat. So technically we had asked. & whats wrong with saying penis? honestly.
Emily says:
not penis cakes.. whores yes.. not penises
... a penis CAKE
Hypocrite? We can say whore but not penis? A part of the body you teach your child when they're two? Who would have thought that'd be a worse word then whore?
Well, theres 2 days left in my ban. I'm sure once I'm back the anger will wear off. Oh, but now they're going to be watching me like a bloody criminal. Jon jokingly said something along the lines of how he couldn't wait for me to come back because I'd make my comeback by saying 'I'm Back Bitches!' or something. (he completely made this up on his own, i had no 'comeback' planned btw). So, since this certain mod is stalking my thread she feels the need to post "Thanks for the warning. We'll keep an eye out for that." OMFG HONESTLY. SETTLE DOWN!
Ahhhhh! I fucking miss shelby so much. :( I CANT STAND IT ANY LONGGGERRRR.
09 Days till shes back. <3
I love you, cakeeey