It may be completely uninteresting, but I had fun 8D

Nov 06, 2007 22:18

Saw this on

♥ What color is your phone? Dark blue and silver...the standard for Nokia 3310 XD
♥ Who's the first person who comes up under the letter A? Agnese, a dear friend from elementary and middle school :3
♥ Who's the last person you called? ...err...the last call is to AN ASTERISK, but...the last person I called is actually my brother 8D
♥ Who was your last missed call from? Loreppo e_e
♥ Who's the 2nd person who comes up under A? What's with letter A?XD Anyway, it's "All-chan", a friend from a forum
♥ Who's speed dial 2? LOL Crudity...ahaha I never use speed dials.
♥ Who's the 3rd person who comes up under D? No one XD I just have "Damien" and "Dami"
♥ Who was your last received call from? A random number. It probably was my friend Giulia.
♥ Who's speed dial number 4? My best friend!XD At least it makes sense.
♥ What is your background? Background? Just a pixel piggy XD
♥ How many text messages are currently in your inbox? 16
♥ Who's speed dial 1? ROFL. It's MYSELF. "Eliana =)" with a smiley. Yes I forget my own number so I writed it okay?
♥ What's the 2nd message say in your inbox? Eww what a question, it could be very personal 8DD It isn't, but I doubt you'd understand. I'll translate in english anyway XD
"Definition of a crossword puzzle, 29 vertical: Hans' sides (could be hips too). I just imagined Kein writing ostinately "Beautiful" even if it doesn't fit! Ahahahahahah!!".
Hans and Kein are two roleplay characters 8D
♥ Who's the 1st person who comes up under B? "Babbo cell", my father 8D
♥ Name every person you have text messages from: Loreppo, Lollina, Sereppa, All-chan, Lemm chan, Mimy, Saguccio, Mikela, Zerotto (LOL yes I like CUTE NICKNAMES)
♥ Who's the 9th person on your missed calls? Mimy e_e a friend.
♥ What does the 6th message in your Out box say? I don't have any XD
♥ Who is the last name in your phone book? "Zia's", which is the home phone of a friend of mine XD
♥ Do you have a camera phone? Naa, I still have the first cell phone I got.
♥ Who is the last person under K? Kenchan is the first, last and only XD
♥ What does your first text message in your inbox say? Now this is more embarassing e_e
♥ Who is the first person under K?: LOL same as before.


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