"My Penis is Bigger than YOURS!" (points and laughs!)

May 18, 2005 22:45

So yesterday will live as one of the most Memorable days I had with my boys. It started out with American Idol with Brenna, Natalie, Morgana, Eric, Stevie, and his mom. Then afterwards we hung out and talked while Steven and Brenna did their evening jog. Then afterwards, and everyone left, Steven, Eric, Colin and I went and got into the hot tub- which actually was more like a luke-warm bath. It was cold outside, cold in the hot tub, and one of the best times I have had in that hot tub. There was NEVER a dull moment, my boobs got bigger, I developed a penis (sorry inside jokes) and I got to spend time with my boys! :) So after a couple of hours and Steven shutting the lid on my arm (let me get out 1st you jack ass! :)...we went inside to change and hang out a little bit more. Steven got this brilliant idea that we all jump in his tiny ass shower and warm up. So, What the Hell? Why not? We did! and giggled and laughed. I almost drowned, and Colin almost killed us with boiling water. After taking our wet swim suits off...we all put on crazy ass hats and went to Haggans where we picked up stuff to make breakfast for this morning. I am sure we got a couple of funny looks (plus we were running in the rain!). We headed home where we all attempted to sleep. I think I was the 1st to crash, quickly followed by Steven...and according the Eric and Colin- they fell asleep a long time after we did! I have been having nightmares lately and have been sleeping really shittily lately (will talk about that in a later post!), so I woke up to make Breakfast and was not feeling it, but we had spent money on stuff, so we definately had to do it! I crawled into bed with Steven and tried to wake him up...unsuccessful...tried to wake Eric and colin up...didn't happen. So I think it took the smell of burning Bacon to get them to come down and help :) hehe. It was fun! and that was my day with the boys! As for Mainstream, it went REALLY well today, and I think I am excited to perform tomorrow! I hope Kendra Sue can make it! I will call you tomorrow girly :)

Love, ME
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