isn't she just the cutest! awh!
so, i've been home for work for 2 days now. i have this horrible muscle spasm in my neck and figured it'd be the worst thing in the world to go into work and try to restrain dogs. i can't look down without a terrible headache jumping into the back of my eyeballs and the rest of my neck movment is very limited as well. it forced Brian to go to work, though he says he was pushing a fever. and how many times have i covered for him...he can work once and a while....ass. other roommmate news, Sarah said she'll probably have to move out. her car is in the shop and costing her $1200, which she can't afford living here. i told her she has to do what she has to do. if that means moving out, then that's fine with me. it will kinda suck with bills, but hell, i'd move out if i couldn't afford it any more. i'll just have to watch what i spend money on. stop going out as much and stop wasting gas.
i can't wait to go to az. 2 more weeks.