Oct 30, 2005 09:01
omg yall this weekend already has been soo horrible!! omg its only f*n sunday too!! ok so on friday...i got grounded again but this time it was for being late for school, and its understandable bc i got there alittle after 8 40....BUT I DONT NEED TO BE GROUNDED FOR "until further notice"...ihate that bc no matter what i do like all the good things i do it wont matter bc shes always going to be a bitch to me and always going to be hitler....and then friday night i had to help out with the girl scout at our church till like 11 and then went home and fell asleep.......THEN in the morning, i had to take a test at school the PLAN or something...and like half way through it, as many peole remember...MY SEAT BROKE!! i was spinning around bc i was done, and i guess its not supposed to spin...and the thing was sticking into my lef or as scarlett would like to say it went up my ass....but it didnt it was like right on my leg and it was sooooooo fukin unconfortable!! yea and right now im about to leave to go to church and then tonight im going to a "halloween party" at out church but its mostly we all dress up and watch a movie and have fun!! so yeh!! ok well later yall!