Nov 24, 2007 13:28

Well taking the advice of a few people... the next time I saw that nice girl from work, I brought her aside and explained a few things to her. She took it fairly well, I was surprised. It was cute how she reacted. When I told her I had a fear of women, she laughed. It was cute and bubbly, like she thought I was joking. Though... when she realized I wasn't she looked a bit guilty for laughing at me. It was sweet of her, she even apologized for it, looking like she'd done something horrible. I felt kind of bad after that. She started to act a bit distant... like I'd told her I didn't want to talk to her again or something, which wasn't what I wanted at all. The next few days after that she didn't seek me out as much, and would mostly smile at me and be on her way.

*sighs* Man... why do I feel like I ruined something by telling her?

OH. On a happier note... I think? I was in the park recently and found got run down by this little black puppy. He came with a leash too, which was kind of handy. Sadly no tags on his collar... not sure who he belongs to. I've been trying to find his family, even made some nice fliers with a few different pictures of him on it. Hopefully they see them and call... I'd hate for them to be separated long. Though it doesn't seem to be bothering the puppy much. Man, he's a ball of energy! I can barely catch my breath before he wants to run around and play again. I never knew having a dog was this much work! At least he's a good boy, he's only made a mess in the apartment a few times, otherwise he'll sit in front of me and whine to let me know he has to go out. Such a good puppy.

... though it's getting weird calling him 'puppy' or 'little fella'. I wish I knew his name. I'd hate to start calling him something and have him get use to it and then find his family. Oh well, we'll see how things work out.

Oh Yaten? I was wondering if you did anything with those pictures you took, I was interested in seeing them. Haha, and I think the puppy misses you. I guess I just don't scratch and pet him right *chuckles*.

yaten, puppy, work, phobia

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