Nov 15, 2005 22:14
the one thing i 've always hated doing was asking for help. As i've gotten a bit older i've been better at asking for help, and knowing when i need to take a time out. Today as i helped to hold an interest meeting for orientation, i realized i was too involved in other things. I love orientation, but i feel like i still haven't put my ALL into it like kristi and Jenny.Also, I don't have any time for myself it seems, and i was in a lot of organizations. I hated having to do it, but i dropped 3 clubs. I really like being in them, but i had to think about my priorities
1) myself
2) family, friends, krista
3) school
4) RA
5) Orientation
6) Pride Alliance
7) Habitat
before i had it like this
1) Krista...not even family or friends in some cases
2) Orientation
3) Pride
4) RA
5) school
7) myself
i didn;t mean too, but sometimes i get too wrapped up in stuff. Ugh, i feel defeated, but i know in all honesty i am not defeated, i just can;t do everything i want, not enough time in one day. This weekend i am going to chill out, go home, see friends and my parents and then write a paper. That's all, because i need me time...i miss myself haha....