(no subject)

Aug 29, 2004 00:48

ok i have a few things to get off of my mind.....
1. STOP talking shit about my friends!!!
2. KK is NOT the reason ya'll broke up... TRUST is.
3. U know that little word right... it means...firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
4. take that definition and learn it and don't miss use that word EVER again.
5. "Without TRUST there is no LOVE." -Moulin Rouge
6. If u refer to numbers 3 and 4 you will see that u DID NOT trust each other so there was NO love!!!
7. just to help u out... love means...Out of compassion; with no thought for a reward
8. i know u thought of a reward for saying that so DO NOT lie to me!
9. Wade is NOT ur property... and NEVER was!
10. Have u even thought about what he wants?
11. he's ur friend too.. dont u want him to be happy?
12. Kk gave up her chance the first time for u to be happy.... i thought she was ur friend tooo... doesn't she have a right to be happy also?
13. U guys didn't seem happy so it was wrong for u to be together.
14. I guess i'm not ur friend either... b/c i'm sticking up for them... well i DO NOT care anymore!
15. U know ya'll were never gonna get married... so get over urself and move on!
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