(no subject)

Jun 03, 2006 14:54

Today I was supposed to take the SAT IIs in biology, but the order never went through or something, so I've spent the day cleaning my room (cleaning the turtle cage, dusting, making things PERFECT) and procrastinating reading All Quiet on the Western Front. You don't understand. YOU DON'T. I do not want to read this book. I don't want to read, period.

Also, today I was watching Fox News because it makes me laugh, and they were talking about soccer (who cares?) and how fans are psychotic. They had one mother remove her two year-old's jersey because it was going to cause a fight. Seriously. And the other day, I saw a commercial about how some African nation made peace during a civil war because their soccer team made it to the World Cup. The world is coming to an end.

soccer is gay.

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