(no subject)

May 16, 2006 19:58

Tomorrow, May 17th, is "gay day" in Massachusetts and also my birthday. Exciting! Someone throw me a SuperSweet Sixteen.

I love my classes right now, but that'll last for about two days, until I get a 95 on something.

Today, I turned in my algebra project a month early. This means ten extra points on it, which means +.6 points on my term grade, unless someone turned it in before me, which would be fucking insane. I would foam at the mouth!

Mrs. Norman loved my biology project, which I am happy about! I also got a 98 on the last test, so if things go as I plan, I'll manage an A+ for the term. Unfortunately, I don't care about biology that much anymore. Spanish, either.

The problem with Spanish is that it's too goddam boring. I know all of what we do in class, anyway. I need excitement, and I get it from other people in the class! Fuck, I love it.

Uhhhhhhhh, I also like someone. Heh. And who knows? I have a feeling it's mutual.


Tomorrow is Academic Awards Night. I shall be busy these next few weeks!


Courtesy of ktcaucasian. e-bffz


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