Well today.

May 12, 2006 21:37

First period I got back my algebra test. 98. I should have gotten a 100. Stupid amplitude and stupid me for not catching that mistake. Anyway, it was my student teacher's last day, and it was sad, but Mr. Gillis got us donuts. He's back. But it's not like we're going to be doing anything until MCAS is over at the end of May. That gives him about eight days to make our lives hell.

Second period I had a vocab test, and it was fine.

In biology, we're talking about viruses. The coolest things EVER. I love them and want to be one and infect people and multiply. Mrs. Norman said that HIV was cool because it uses the t-cell's membrane to hide that it's a virus. Then she talked about if HIV was airborne and how we're lucky that it isn't. IRONY. Janelle and I had been talking about that the day before. Also, Janelle drew a sperm cell with a bacteriophage latched onto it. She also drew an emo/infected cell begging to be destroyed by a nearby t-cell. Biology is my favorite.

Okay, so now I'm in a better mood. I had gym long period, and there is a god in heaven. We went to the auditorium because the seniors had some sort of practice. I talked with Kayla/Vivian/Andrew/James/people you don't know so why do I bother naming?. It was fun.

Last period I had Spanish, but we were supposed to go to homerooms, but Janelle, Karisa and I were like "whatever" and went to Spanish too early anyway. We spent about ten minutes alone, ten minutes during which Janelle had the prime opportunity to murder me on the spot. Or the prime opportunity for a hot threesome.

Oh yes, Spanish. Ilu. Michelle asked me what I was going to do after prom while we were making flashcards of vocab. I idiotically replied "knock boots," and the Senora stared at me.


Ay de mi. She didn't care that much, anyway. It was funny.

So I got home and my grandparents' car was in the driveway, so I knew that something was up. My mom has chest pains and there may be blockage in her heart. It's nothing serious as of now, but we're all pretty concerned anyway. For a split second, I almost cried. But mom assured me that she would be fine. Dad, on the other hand, isn't taking it as well. He kind of worries too much. Everyone has been calling the house to make sure mom's okay.

My house was too fucking somber. My sister and I decided to fuck that and head over to the playground to swing, but it was filled with little kids. Then we went to Dunkin Donuts. We talking with Maggie for a little while, and I got a chocolate shake. Thank you food, for being there to numb the pain.

Afterward, we headed to the mall. Nothing much went on there.

Then we rented a movie, and then we gave up trying to make the VCR work.

Now I'm here.

What a long&poorly-written entry.
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