*vomits buffalo chicken*

May 10, 2006 18:27

So my biology test was okay, only some of it was stupid because we never review for anything in that class. However, I think I got an A, maybe A+. &the algebra test was easy too. kajsdlkasnf. HOWEVER I WON'T SAY THAT OR I WILL BE JINXED. So I think it was hard. DON'T LOSE SLEEP, JAMES. DON'T.

Gym today was pretty fucked up. I couldn't stop laughing at the stupidest things, and of course we were playing volleyball. I pulled the Daria move a few times, and the ball rolled over to me and I pulled my foot *just* far enough for it to keep going. I made someone else get it. Pauline and I are athletic gym buddies of the yr!!! We are both sick with the same thing, and that is because we have sex every night. Also, I can't even remember why we were laughing so much, but all I know is that I sucked really badly.

Spanish was the usual amusement with Janelle.

After school, we had the science olympiad partay. I ate too much pizza and now my stomach is rumbling. Pepto, stat!


Do not brush your teeth and shave at the same time.

why i hate gym, science

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