Like I mentioned, today there is no school, which means everyone will be doing nothing and complaining about tomorrow like they do with Mondays. Personally, though, Tuesdays are my least favorite. That's probably because I have to take out the garbage or something, which is pretty sad that it makes it my least favorite day, but then again, I suppose that means my life doesn't suck too bad if petty things get to me.
I didn't finish that English theme yesterday because I was too fucking lazy. Plus, you know, my partner Cassie didn't write much of the last theme so she can do most of this one. It's interesting how we've been doing more in English over the past month than we have the rest of the school year. And we still haven't gotten our other themes back, which is pretty lame considering he's had them for over two months. It's not like he actually corrects anything on them anyway. He just gives us checks on his rubric. I probably complained about it before, but the highest grade you can get on one is a 95. Stupid English language. Hoo kneedz it??
I want to watch Return to Oz today just because I can, and it's not even a good movie. Somehow, though, I remember it vividly and want to see it again! Maybe I'll go to the video store or something and watch it with someone today. :O
VH1 excites me!
It's weird, too, how I like love VH1 so much but hate MTV. It's probably due to the whole actually having good shows with people I want to see, instead of rappers talking about beating their hos. I almost put "rapers," but that would be "rapists..."