Jan 17, 2010 02:46
I just went on a dowloading rampage.
All of my music is that chill 1950's stuff.
It's all like...love songs. But I feel happy?
And lots of Beatles and Andrews Sisters.
So the theatre is pretty fun to work at.
Basically I stand around a lot and do nothing.
But I do talk to people coming to the theatre or other workers.
I did 'spotlighting' for the show that played all weekend.
The cast was awesome, they all flew in from NYC.
I'm assigned to 'stage' at the theatre, meaning I will unload tour buses, set up the stage/instruments, tape markings on the stage, get drinks and food for the bands/performers, and then clean up everything at the end.
Sounds pretty good to me.
The guys I work with are okay.
I hate them the most out of all the other employees lol,
sucks that I will ALWAYS be working with them.
They think they know everything and make me feel stupid.
I think they're just intimidated because I'm a woman and have a vagina.
There aren't any other females doing stage...
It's all guys. But whatever, I'm cool I guess.
The one bartender...his name is Matt.
He's gorgeous and has this flirtacious personality.
And then there's this awesome guy who is starting theatre classes this semester, his name is Jimmie and we decided we're going to become best friends and take a road trip to NYC together.
And everyone else is nice too, I like the people there.
Anyways, Thursday night I was getting ready to clock out and leave, and then all the bartender guys were like "we're going out! Come with us." So I ended up going, it was at 'Club Joey' on Pine St. in Niagara Falls. Matt bought me a drink, but I just drank water anyways. I ended up doing karaoke with Matt...we sang 'Sexual Healing' ...Marvin Gaye. Ummm yeah, all the bartender guys took out their phones and took photos and videos of us. How embarrassing! Anyways, it was like 1:15 and I had about enough and it looked like everyone was staying forever...so I went to leave, and I gave Matt a ride home?
So he actually lives like 2 minutes from my apartment...Crazy. I did go in his apartment. He has a cat. And we hung out for a while. We have a lot in common...He's actually a media study major, he's working on a film with Sundance at the moment and he's transferring to a school in Toronto next year. He kinda likes good music...big emphasis on KINDA. And he had old cameras hanging up on his living room walls. He's almost 26. He seems pretty much too good to be true.
He knew about that movie where that girl's vagina has teeth and eats penises! I was really impressed about that. We even watched the scene where her bf and her try to have sex for the first time, hahahahahhaa I laughed so hard. Like I bet I seemed so evil to him. Apparently, it's like a horror film for men to watch. He said he was so scared to have sex after he watched that for the first time. I just think it's a hilarious fucking movie, I don't know why it exists but it completely targets a fear in men and I love that fact basically.
Anyways, I kept saying I needed to leave. He seemed slightly needy in the fact that he kept holding me tight and didn't want me to leave. He tried to convince me that he'd wake me up for work at 9 am...He even did this magical thing where he'd take his arms and move my entire body to fit perfectly with his on the couch and it was SO comfortable. I have NOOOOO idea how he did that. But it was like the most magical thing I've ever experienced. Plus he's gorgeous! like wtf. I said to him "You're really good looking and it's weird." hahaha he must think I am such a crazy girl, I was talking completely awkward with him too but whatever. He told me that he's 'interested' in me...whatever that means. Yes, he kissed me. It was good. Like really good. Like i felt shivers up my spine and had to make him stop. He told me I have beautiful eyes, and he said he wanted to take me out for my birthday and teach me how to play roulette at the casino.
I don't know about him...he's not real.
lol I hate this entry and I hate guys too.
I guess I'll just see what happens.