Countdown Created by
andy and taken 6771 times on
bzoink!::15 Random Favorites::1RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS!2Ralph Lauren3Music4Shoes5Ipods6Dinky!!!!!!!!7Macey!!!!!8Friends9Family10Sleeping11Rain12Sparkly things13Friday 14Thursday15Purple::14 Favorite Foods::1PIZZA2pasta3any italian food4my mom's food5Crab Legs6Alfredo7Chicken8Steak9Ribs10Bar-bq(OK style)11Artichokes12Asparagus13Red Lobster food(haha brianna)14Anything good::13 Most Watched Shows::1HOUSE2King of the hill3I love Lucy4Jackass5Wildboyz6True Life7Extreme Makeover8Extreme Makeover*home edition*9Steven's untitled rock show10Maury11Golden Girls12American Idol(when it's on)13Next::12 Good Bands in your Opinion::1RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2the bravery3Modest Mouse4No Doubt5Snow Patrol6Queens of the stone age7Greenday(the old stuff)8The Killers9Nirvana10Interpol11Sugarcult12All good 80's bands and so many more ::11 Memories::1MS field trips2Disney3Hershey4The party's5MS dances6Old woman hitting a pole 7The convo's on the bus8Sneaking into the boys bathroom9Having to walk around the school bare foot because our shoes got wet(haha that was awesome)10Great times with all my friends11running around the school at night::10 Close Friends::1Teri2Megahn3Anne4Brittany5Brianna6Constanza7Michael Y.8Tony(if you could say)9Casey10Adrienne::09 Things you're looking forward to::1The next MS field trip2Going to the beach with my family!3The dances4The 8th grade graduation5The new kids6College7Going to go eat8my wedding9the prom::08 Things you wear daily::1Underwear2Under garments(haha I sound like an old lady)3Shoes4Fingernail Polish5Toe(eww)nail polish6Pants...7Shirt8socks(but not when I'm wearing flip flops)haha::07 Things That Annoy You::1Annoying snobby people2When macey's pissed3When people think they're right even though they kno they're wrong...4JORDAN F.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5Braggers6When people back stab you7teachers::06 Things You Touch Everyday::1keyboard2remote 3My hair4a fork5the car door6lotion::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::1Napoleon Dynamite2Mean Girls3Nothing but trouble4Alice in wonderland5The Grudge::04 Of Your Favorite Childhood Toys::1Slinky2Barbie Dolls3That thing that was yellow and had colorful things all over it and it vibrated4My Stuffed animals::03 People You Have Kissed::1My mom(on the cheek)2My dad(on the cheek)3Austin and other people::02 Of Your Favorite Songs::1Brainstew2Should Of Lied::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::1whoever I marry and my friends
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