Sep 12, 2004 20:15
Funny conver:
Ox Unbreakable x: my hair smells like ciggy smoke nd weed
The Sharness: hahahha
Ox Unbreakable x: ugh its sickening now
The Sharness: LOL
The Sharness: yea i know
The Sharness: been there, done that
Ox Unbreakable x: u've done it too?
The Sharness: at a ziggy marley concert
The Sharness: NO
The Sharness: lol
The Sharness: i haven't odne it
Ox Unbreakable x: u KNEW u didnt do it
The Sharness: lOL
The Sharness: did you?
Ox Unbreakable x: u went to a Ziggy Marley concert??
The Sharness: yea
The Sharness: in tampa
The Sharness: LOL
Ox Unbreakable x: *envy*
The Sharness: lol
The Sharness: did you try weed?
The Sharness: i wanna talk to someone who did
The Sharness: wouldn't it feel all werid?
The Sharness: not that i ever would
The Sharness: but wouldbn;t be curious?
The Sharness: like even, cocaine
The Sharness: i wonder how curt cobain felt
The Sharness: haha
Ox Unbreakable x: once i did it, but i didnt feel anythin..ppl never do when its their first time
The Sharness: lol
The Sharness: was it like a normal cigarette?
Ox Unbreakable x: omg im laughin SO hard cuz u sed Cocaine Cobain
The Sharness: LOL
Ox Unbreakable x: nd its KURT..not CURT
The Sharness: OOOH YEA
The Sharness: LOL
Ox Unbreakable x: i kno!!
Ox Unbreakable x: i feel like i dont know u anymore
Ox Unbreakable x: !!
The Sharness: kurt cobain
The Sharness: okay
The Sharness: got it
The Sharness: LOL
The Sharness: hahahahaha
Ox Unbreakable x: omg my dad is like wtf r u laughin about down there?
The Sharness: HAHAHAHAHA
The Sharness: REALLY???????
Ox Unbreakable x: yeh
The Sharness: haha
The Sharness: cocaine cobain
Ox Unbreakable x: cuz i was laughin out loud
The Sharness: hell, he died of it
The Sharness: LOL
Ox Unbreakable x: i kno
Ox Unbreakable x: no..sudicide
The Sharness: yea he was high on cociane
The Sharness: and dhpt himself
The Sharness: *shot
The Sharness: in the HEAD
Ox Unbreakable x: haha, wtf? How do u mess up shot with dhpt?
The Sharness: HAHAH
The Sharness: lol
The Sharness: ur so funny
The Sharness: D is next to S
The Sharness: whhopps
Haha, Nirvana rocks :-D