welcome back into my life

Nov 23, 2003 11:49

I not exactly sure what I want to tell you guys.

No excuses. No apologies.

I just havent.

And you know what? Its okay!

If you missed me.. good. If not, well then I guess we've learned Im not terribly important to you. But thats alright too.

I'm taking time to figure out who I am and what I want.
Change isn't bad. Get used to it.

I'm not exctly sure how much longer I am going to be here for. But I have to say that I'm happy, and everyone has been very good to me. So if I do die tomorow.. I'm not worried about it.

I wish I was capable of showing you guys what you mean to me. But thats not my strong point, so you are just going to have to believe me.


Sweet Dreams.
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