
Jul 17, 2005 23:54

today was ok i gues...scott got home today and we talked about things....yeah he just wants to be friends. i guess thats ok with me. ive got justin....still kinda hurts in my stomach though...lol i dunno how to explain it...its a weird feeling. id just rather not think about it. well anyway, what to say what to say....lol KAYLA IS FORCING ME TO UPDATE...lol i guess i just dont think my pitiful life has enoguh meaning in it to update. tomorrow is dance camp and im like bugged eyed right now. cant sleep at ALL lol and im supposed to get up at 6:30 and its uhh....lol 12:00 yeah...how come i feel like dying all the time..? i mena...like...i dunno i just keep thinking i dont really deserve to live....like i havent been a good enough human or something. im seriously always messing up. but...no one reads my effing lj anyway. so no one cares wat i say. yeah i could frikin fall off a cliff into space and no one would ever notice. kthxbye.
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