Jun 27, 2005 01:33

SO LYKE OMG!!!!!! lol just kidding im kinda happy/miserable/depressed/sad/slash/lol/excited! is that possible to be all those? im happy cause justin LLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS me...(hes my best friend lol)miserable cause i have no one to talk to rigt now...depressed because im ALWAYS depressed...sad because my 2 of my best friends in the whole world are betraying me....and slash and lol...lol thats just i dunno boredom ness...im excited because jay is going to send me a PRESENT!!!!!!!!!!! WOO -- HOO....oh me and sam are friends..

oh p.s. i got an anonymous post earlier on my lj explaining how no one loves me and how sam is fat..i wonder who it could have been from, it may have been just a joke though...sam also got a prank call froma girl...lol he said it sounded like steph. thats kinda immature but the thing is...i have a feeling uguys really arent grounded...like it was all made up...im weird though.

oh P.S. again i have a xanga name its iluvto_kiss i just updated...but not like u people care...anyways read it if u get bored.
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