Dean/Paige - some say it's a blessing, some say it's a curse

Sep 08, 2011 21:45

Fandom: Supernatural/Charmed
Title: some say it’s a blessing, some say it’s a curse
Author: iluvroadrunner6
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Dean Winchester/Paige Matthews, Crowley, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell
Content Warning: Spoilers through the end of S5.
Summary: In which Dean meets Paige.
Author’s Note: Written with defy_n_gravity for the xoverexchange prompt meme.
Disclaimer: I don’t own. They belong to the CW. I’m just borrowing and will put everything back where I found it.

The first time Dean meets Paige Matthews, it’s over the muzzle of his shotgun.

He’s surrounded by demons, and trying his best to fight his way out, and the next thing he knows, there’s a shower of sparkly lights and there’s a chick standing in front of him, looking a little confused. He doesn’t know how she got there, or why, and it’s sort of freaking him out, but there are bigger things to worry about at the moment, like the demon with the knife who’s leaning right over Sparkle Girl’s shoulder. So Dean says the only thing he can say.

“Get down.”

To her credit, she listens, and Dean blasts the son of a bitch away before he could do more damage. But now he’s out of ammo and they’re closing in fast. The girl straightens, and before she could even get out the ‘what the hell is going on,’ he’s grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the other demons advancing.

“I don’t know what it was you did, but unless you want to be demon food, I suggest you do it again to get out of here.”

Dean may have a bit of a death wish. That doesn’t mean he intends to force that on her too. It’s been a month since Sam died, and even though he was supposed to have run to Indiana and never looked back, but in the end, Dean winds up running the opposite direction, to San Francisco and to the nearest pocket of demons he can find. So far he’s managed to get lucky-no major injuries, no near death experiences-but he has a feeling that tonight isn’t going to go his way, and he has no intention of taking anyone but the demons down with him. What he doesn’t expect, however, is for her to take him with her.

Traveling by whatever the hell it is is-weird. It’s not the stomach dropping sensation of traveling by angel, but it’s still pretty friggin’ weird in it’s own right. When they land in the entryway of what looks like a pretty nice house, and Dean glances around with wide, uncertain eyes, before starting to swear up a storm.

The chick is less than impressed.

“Uh. How ‘bout a thank you for saving you from a messy, grizzly death?”

“Who said I was askin’ you to?” he fires back. “Those demons were out for my blood, and all you’ve done is bring them right to your doorstep.” He huffs for a moment, before glancing around, and starting to head to the back of the house.

“Hey! Where are you going?”

He can hear the click of her heels as she follows him, clearly as not happy with this as he is. “Going to get salt. We have to get all the doors and windows before they come back and decide to kill everyone in the goddamn house.”

“Well, if you’d slow down for two seconds, I can explain that-”

He tunes her out. He’s already in the kitchen, and he’s starting to go through the cupboards to find any bit of salt he can find. He’s not paying much attention to what he’s seeing until he reaches the cabinets where there are herbs. Lots of really distinctive herbs.

“-the hell?” he begins as he starts to turn around, and suddenly everything stops.

He’s not aware of how long everything stops, or even what’s going on, really, but when he comes out of it, he knows that something happened, and when he finishes turning around completely, there are three not happy women staring at him from the other side of the counter.

“Where did you all come from?”

“They’re my sisters,” Teleporting Chick from earlier replies. “And they live here.”

“Sisters.” Son of a bitch. “Sisters who are witches.” He points back to the cabinet over his shoulder, and then gives them a bit of a sheepish smile. “The Charmed Ones, I take it?”

Teleporting Chick didn’t seem that impressed. “Yep.”

“Oh,” he nods, before licking his lips and starting to relax a little. “Guess we don’t need the salt.”


It didn’t take them long after that to sort everything out. This, apparently, is where Dean is supposed to be. Destiny driving him towards another thing he didn’t want, all because they didn’t need their big damn hero running off on a suicide mission to points unknown. It is a pain in the ass as far as he is concerned, and his feelings on whitelighters, the Elders, and any higher power that tries to boss him around aren’t going to change anytime soon. Not with his experience with the angels.

Dean’s feelings regarding Paige, however? Didn’t take him so long to get over.

He isn’t really sure how it happened. Somewhere along the way, they go from being all over each other’s case, to being all over each other in ways that are, in Dean’s opinion, much more productive. He hasn’t had something this hot and intense in a long time. He isn’t even sure where it’s going, but all it takes is a few months in San Francisco and he and Paige are inseparable. It’s not smart, what he’s doing. He knows that. He hasn’t thrown this much of himself into a person in a long time, and putting that much of himself out there is scary. But he can’t stop himself. Every time he tries to pull himself away, he gets pulled in all over again, until he gives up and just doesn’t bother with trying to pull away.

Until his world comes crashing down around him again.

Until Crowley takes Phoebe.

He kicks himself for it every hour she’s gone. He should have known that letting that piece of hellspan go was going to come back and bite him in the ass, but he had been desperate, and the douchebag had had Bobby’s soul. And now, because of that choice, Phoebe is off God knows where getting put through God knows what, cloaked from the Charmed Ones’ magic, and all Dean knows is that they need to get her back. Paige and Piper are panicking, Leo is trying to calm them all down, but this isn’t going to be fixed until Phoebe is back where she belongs. Which means that Dean knows what he has to do. This is his fight. They shouldn’t have been sucked into the middle of it.

It takes him a little time to find a crossroads where he could bury the box to summon the crossroads demon, and by the time he does, he has the feeling it’s probably too late, but he tries anyway. He buries the box, takes a breath, and waits.

“Well, well, well. There’s a face I thought I wouldn’t see for a long time.” Dean turns at the sound of the voice, and when his eyes land on Crowley, it’s nothing but a hard glare.

“You son of a bitch-”

“All this time, and that’s how you greet me?” He moves closer, hands in the pockets of his coat. “Dean, I’m hurt.”

“Save it,” Dean glares, arms crossed in front of his chest. “You’re going to give me Phoebe Halliwell back. And you’re gonna do it now.”

“And why, exactly, would I do a thing like that? I happen to need the lovely Miss Halliwell, and well-if a witch is stupid enough to fall into a trap-”

“Listen to me, you slimy piece of crap,” Dean says, moving in closer. “I’m going to give you one last chance to give me Phoebe, or I will cut it out of you.”

“Now, now-you don’t want to do that. If you decide to go about this the wrong way, you won’t like what you find when you finally get to Phoebe. And well, I’m sure Paige wouldn’t like it very much, if because of you, her sister got returned to her in a body bag.”

Dean’s jaw locks, and he starts to surge closer and Crowley’s hand is in front of him again, this time holding up the camera phone with a picture of Phoebe. She seems to be strung up in some kind of ritual. “What are you doing to her?”

“I need her soul,” he explains. “For a very important spell that will keep Lucifer from every gracing this world with his presence again.”

“Why her?”

“Because she’s a Charmed One. One inch of her soul, holds more power than most mere mortals could even dream of. Add to the fact that she has a certain power that’s very useful and inactive and you could see why she’d be the ideal target.”

There’s so much rage pumping through him that he doesn’t know where to start, and he takes a breath, before looking back at him. “Take me instead.”

“Doesn’t work that way, Dean. You heard what I said about how powerful her soul was, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did. And you’re bullshitting me if you try and tell me that the soul of Michael’s vessel doesn’t pack the same kind of punch.”

Crowley raises an eyebrow, trying to assess if he’s serious. “Hasn’t any of your personal experience as of late taught you anything about making deals with demons?”

“I’m good as dead anyway,” he says softly. “And the world needs the Charmed Ones. They don’t need me anymore.”

Crowley stands there for a moment in quiet consideration, and Dean can see the wheels in his head turning. There’s a brief, fleeting moment where he wonders if this has been Crowley’s plan the entire time, but for the moment, he’s not going to be concerned with it. He just wants Paige to get her sister back.

“Well, then,” he says after the moment of silence. “Let’s make this official, shall we?”


In the end, he manages to finagle the chance to say good-bye. Phoebe’s lying prone in his arms, weak, but not dead, and he drops to his knees in the dirt, keeping the witch close. It takes him a minute to catch his breath and steel himself for this, but when he does, he takes a breath waits.


She’s there in an instant. And she’s pissed, as per usual. Her face is stern when she sees him, hands on her hips as she starts to speak before she even looks and realizes what’s going on. “Dean, where have you-” She blinks, faltering when she sees her sister and dropping to her knees in front of him. “-how did you find her?”

“That’s not important. Just heal her-fast.”

Paige does as she’s told, healing Phoebe as quickly as she could, and when she is finished, she looks up at Dean with confusion again. “What the hell is going on?”

Dean looks at her for a moment, and she has to know by the look on his face that he’s about to do something stupid. Sam could always tell, and she knows him just as well at this point. He doesn’t let her think on it long, just leans in to kiss her deeply, pouring everything he has left into it. He breaks the kiss, before tipping his head up and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” she frowns. “Sorry for what?”

Unfortunately, Crowley doesn’t give him much more time than that. In that split second, he’s nothing more than a body on the ground, lying next to Phoebe, who is slowly coming to.

He has a very strong feeling that Cas won’t be getting him out of this one.

charmed}: paige matthews, supernatural}: dean winchester, crossover}: ship ~ dean/paige, charmed}: phoebe halliwell, fandom}: supernatural, charmed}: piper halliwell, fandom}: charmed, supernatural}: crowley

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