Sam/River, Dean/Kaylee - Hole in the Space-Time Thing (2/?)

Jan 05, 2009 00:13

Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly
Title: Hole in the Time-Space Thing (2/?)
Author: iluvroadrunner6
Rating: PG-13 // FRT
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Mal Reynolds, Zoe Washburne, Kaylee Frye, River Tam, Shepherd Book, Hoban Washburne, Inara Serra
Content Warning: N/A
Summary: Someone thought it was funny to make a bit of a switcheroo...
Author's Note: For darkmagic_luvr. I haven't touched this in forever, but for some reason they started talking to me again. And Dean is probably going to get himself shot in the not-to-distant future.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Supernatural or Firefly. They're owned by FOX and the CW. However, all original characters are mine, so please do not borrow them without my permission.

Part 1

“So what do we do with ‘em?” Mal sighed, glancing around at the rest of his crew. This was a situation they hadn’t exactly been caught in before, having people from a time they didn’t understand suddenly appear in the middle of their space ship.

“I think the answer to that is quite obvious, Mal,” Book replied, tilting his head to the side as he looked back at Mal. “It’s not as though we could just let them off at the nearest spaceport-they don’t know how to navigate our world.”

“Well we can’t exactly just keep ‘em on like they’re some kind of passenger either,” Mal replied. “They got no money, nothin’ to trade, nothin’ really to offer. What else are we supposed to do with them?”

“Oh, c’mon Cap’n,” Kaylee said with a slight smile. “They seem like nice boys. And we barely even know ‘em. Maybe we should wait around, see if they do have somethin’ to offer. Then we could maybe even make ‘em part of the crew.”

“We are going to have to compensate for losing Jayne, sir,” Zoe replied, before adding dryly. “As irreplaceable as he is.”

“Jayne won’t be too pleased that you just gave away his position in the crew,” Inara rolled her eyes. “Not that he’ll be much of a loss to lament.”

“Inara’s got a point-we don’t know what happened to Jayne, or what they even did with him,” Wash pointed out. “Maybe we should just leave them on Persephone and let them fend for themselves for a little while. For all we know, they could be yanking our chain.”

“Are you all forgetting how the two of them just appeared out of thin air?” Book said, glancing between all the faces in the room. “We don’t even know how they got on this ship to begin with. Far as we can tell, either they can teleport, or they’re telling the truth.”

“There was a rift in the fabric of space-time continuum, which drew the Winchesters through from their time and into ours.” All eyes turned on the thin, lithe girl who was sitting in the corner, legs pulled up to the chest. She looked up at them blinked slightly, before speaking up again. “They fell through a hole.”

“They fell-through a hole?” Mal sighed, blinking at the girl in the corner. River just stared back at him, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kaylee sighed heavily, before moving towards some of the food that was left from when the rest of the crew was eating.

“C’mon, River,” she said with a sigh. “Let’s go take the boys somethin’ to eat so they don’t starve to death while the cap’n decides what to do with them.”

Mal watched the two of them leave, before turning back to the rest of the group. “Well, they’re right people-I’m not hearin’ any better ideas-”


“Son of a bitch!”

Sam just ran a hand over his face, before leaning back against the wall of the hold they were sitting in. “I don’t think cursing is really going to help anything, Dean.” It certainly wasn’t going to get them anywhere. They were on a space ship in the middle of space for Christ’s sake. They had time hopped five hundred plus years into the future. Chances of getting out of this and getting back to something they know were extremely slim. And for once, Sam didn’t think this was anything supernatural. Nothing he could think of could pull something like this.

“We traveled through time, Sam,” Dean replied, turning back to his brother with a slight glare. “It may not help anything, but it sure as hell makes me feel better.” He paused for a moment, collapsing down on the seat opposite his brother, leaning back against the wall with a heavy sigh. “But if you have any ideas-”

“I don’t think it’s something supernatural,” Sam sighed. The only thing I can think of that can screw with people’s heads like this is a djinn, but why would either of us wish to be transported to a space ship in the future. That’s a bit out of our reach, don’t you think?”

“Maybe it was something Bela had on her?” Dean suggested. “Some kind of cursed object that’s powerful enough to screw with time like this?”

“Could be,” Sam sighed, before leaning back against the wall and running a hand over his face. “But I didn’t touch anything, did you?”

“Yeah, good point,” Dean muttered, before leaning back against the wall again, racking his brains for some kind of answer. Suddenly a look crossed his face again and he groaned. “Fuck.”


“Bela has my car.”

Sam stared at his brother for a moment, before starting to laugh, leaning back against the wall as he did. Dean blinked, confused for a moment, before glaring back at his brother.

“Hey! I’m serious, alright? You know what she did to her the last time she was alone with her.”

Sam’s laughter died off after a while, and as it did, there was the sound of something in the hold opening. There was a brief beat of silence, and the door opened, revealing Kaylee, the mechanic they had met earlier, and a thin girl they didn’t know. The girl dropped her head slightly, looking over both of them with wide, curious eyes, while Kaylee just gave them a smile, and held out the plates of food in her hand.

“River an’ I were just wonderin’ if you boys were hungry,” Kaylee said with a nod. “It ain’t much, but Book knows how to cook it so that it doesn’t taste so bad.”

“Always,” Dean said with a grin, before taking the plate from Kaylee. He eyed the food carefully for a minute, before looking back up at her. “It’s Kaylee, right?”

“Yup,” she said with a nod as she sat down next to him, nodding across the way to the other girl. “And that there is River. Her brother is the doctor on the ship-makes sure everyone stays patched up and in one piece.”

“Always good to have,” Dean said with a nod, before starting to dig into his food. He kept a wary eye on River, though, who seemed to have take a keen interest in his brother’s hair.

“So,” Sam nodded, glancing at River out of the corner of his eye as he ate. “What’s the verdict so far?”

“They’re still talkin’ it out,” Kaylee said with a nod. “I think right now it’s between tryin’ to let you earn your keep as one of the crew, or lettin’ you off at Persephone, ta see if you can find your own way.”

“Persephone?” Dean frowned, looking over at Kaylee for a moment, before turning back to his food. “What’s that?”

“Persephone’s a big space port,” Kaylee nodded. “People sell goods, arrange for transports, that kind of thing. Mal’s lined us up for a job, and he’s gonna go meet with the client when we touch down. Was gonna take Jayne, but now it’s lookin’ like Zoe’ll have to go.”

“What kind of job?” Sam asked.

“Well, we’re a transport vessel, so generally we transport things,” Kaylee smirked. “Occasionally we get a passenger or two. One time, we had a whole herd of cows that were transporting for some big wig on Ariel. The cargo hold smelled like cow dung for weeks.”

“Sounds interesting enough,” Dean said with a nod, but Sam wasn’t thoroughly convinced that that was all they did.

“Why would a transport vessel need guns like-” His voice trailed off slightly as he turned to look at River. She had pressed against him fully at this point, studying him like he was some kind of pet project. “-like that?” His eyes remained on River, but the question was directed at Kaylee.

“Oh, don’t mind River,” Kaylee said with a small smile. “She’s harmless for the most part. She’s just a little-off. This is just her way of being friendly.”

Sam wasn’t quite convinced that River was solely being friendly, and neither was Dean for that matter, but he wasn’t going to push her. He would take Kaylee’s word for the fact that she was harmless, and turned his attention back to the earlier question. “So what you were saying-about the guns?”

“Well, there are pirates, here an’ there,” Kaylee said, before ducking her head sheepishly. “An’ on occasion, we happen to be the pirates.” She paused for a minute. “But we ain’t the bad kind-it’s not like we run around killin’ people an’ such, it’s just-the Alliance is pretty strict about what you can and can’t carry. Sometimes people are willin’ to pay good money for the things you can’t.”

“So you do what you can?” Dean said, before nodding slowly. “I can understand that.” He paused for a minute, before biting his lip slightly and looking over at his brother. “Think I can talk to your captain on our behalf?”

Kaylee and Sam both frowned for a minute, before Sam looked over at his brother. “Dean-what do you mean?”

“Sam, it’s not exactly like we’re helpless here,” Dean said with a sigh. “So we probably would be just fine if we set down wherever, but we’re in a time we don’t understand-it’d be better for us to stick with what we already know, and the somewhat friendly faces we’ve already got.”

“And what makes you think you have friendly faces here?”

All heads turned to the doorway, and they saw Mal standing there, studying both brothers Winchester intently. Dean straightened slightly, looking Mal in the eye as he did. “From what it sounds like, you lost your hired muscle. Me and Sam may not look like much, but we can hold our own in tight spots-been doin’ it for years.”

Mal frowned for a moment before shaking his head. “I don’t know you-I don’t trust you. I don’t put anyone on a job that I don’t trust.”

“You didn’t trust Jayne,” Kaylee pointed out. Mal paused for a moment, before shrugging.

“I could at least trust Jayne not to be trusted. I don’t even know if I can trust them to do that.”

Dean sighed heavily, before pushing himself to his feet. “Look, I’m not saying you should trust us right away-hey, if I was you, I wouldn’t trust me either. But we can hold our own weight, and we don’t exactly have a lot of options here.”

“You’re right, you don’t,” Mal replied. “Which means you’re pretty much stuck with what I decide you do.”

Dean smiled slightly, before looking up at him. “Look, you seem like a good guy. All I’m askin’ is for a chance here. One job-if we can’t hold our own, then feel free to drop us off on whatever planet you want.”

Sam looked over at Dean with a worried frown, before turning back to Mal. He watched the man consider it for a moment, before he nodded. “Fine. One job. You botch it up, and you’re getting left on the next planet we come to-we understand each other?”

“Crystal clear, sir,” Dean said with a grin, happy to have won the debate.

“Kaylee-show them to their rooms,” Mal said as he turned around to walk away again. “We set down on Persephone in a few hours.”

Dean turned back to his brother with a smirk and a shrug, before waiting for Kaylee to lead the way. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Yeah, sure,” Sam said with a snort, following his brother out of the room. “Let’s see if you’re still saying that after you get shot.”

firefly}: shepherd book, fandom}: firefly, firefly}: malcom reynolds, firefly}: kaylee frye, firefly}: inara serra, crossover}: ship ~ sam/river, crossover}: ship ~ dean/kaylee, supernatural}: dean winchester, firefly}: hoban washburne, firefly}: zoe washburne, story}: hole in the space-time thing, fandom}: supernatural, supernatural}: sam winchester, firefly}: river tam

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