me and my bro, Nick at the OKC memorial site
Yes.....there was this SWEET statue of Jesus across from the memorial. On the slab that the statue is sitting on, it reads, "And Jesus wept." because in scripture, the only time Jesus cried was when Lazarus died. If you look closely, you can see the fence thats decorated w/ teddy bears, cards, jewelry, for those lost.
9:01 am was when the bomb went off
9:03 am was when it ended
what is this???? ahhh!!! TOO SMALL! But thats the reflection pool.
Whittle ducky in the pool. Cute, cute!
These are the chairs that represent each person that lost their lives in the blast. Each row for each department. You can see little tiny chairs. Those are the children that were killed in the daycare. 168 people in all.
view of where the building used to stand
message spray painted on a nearby building by a firefighter. This building here is shut down, all the windows were blown out and damaged by the blast.
what the heck? can somebody tell me how to enlarge pics? But this is me by a sycamore tree. It was the only thing that survived the blast, plus all the fires.
I didn't take this, but this is what the Murrah federal building looked like.
Little Baylee, pulled from a daycare. She later died from complications in a nearby hospital. This photo won a pulitzer prize.
uh...self explainatory.
Ok, so they're aren't many pics of me or other people. But I took all those with my disposable camera. And I have about 5 left to take, then I'll get them developed.
oh yeah...heres a funny pic of me and my mom.
please...dont ask! my mom is crazy. lol